Author PjGermain
Rank 1679

Clickbank is an affiliate program that generally doesn't even need approval. It's free to simply register and join. Then, you can locate a product to promote. These are all digital type products - downloads of some kind. eBooks are big here, but there is also software, audio files and most anything that can be downloaded.

One of our members was having difficulty discovering how to find their affiliate link within Clickbank and so that was how this video came to be. So, in this video you will learn....

  1. How to find a Clickbank Product to Promote
  2. How to determine if one is doing well (other affiliates are making money)
  3. How to find your affiliate link for that product
  4. Downloading the banner image
  5. Posting both the image and the affiliate link into a blog post

Although Clickbank has few products than say Amazon, the profit margin is much much bigger. With Amazon, we're seeing between 4 and 8% profit. With Clickbank products, we talking about 50-75% profit.

But, Clickbank can be a wee bit harder to sell.

Within the video I talk about "Gravity". Gravity is a measuring term that Clickbank uses to let you know how well a product is doing. The higher the gravity, the more money affiliates have made with that product. Anything with a Gravity score of 100 or more is doing well. So, look for that. Also, click on the title of the product and you'll see the product owner's landing page. Be sure to always review the landing page. Is it solid. Are there professional images, good content, strong CTA. Does it work for you? Are you tempted to buy. Because that visit your website and click your affiliate link are then taken to this same sales page. And, believe me some of the products on Clickbank have been there a long time and some just have terrible sales pages, which tells me the owner of the product didn't put enough time in marketing and there is a high probability that the product stinks.

As always, do your keyword research to see if you're going to enough traffic to make money with a product you may find on CB (Clickbank). Then, perform a few Google searches and check out the competition. Most websites that are built for CB products are "mini-sites". Built entirely for the purpose of selling that product. So, check for any review type websites for the product as well as "scam" websites. Those guys are your competition.

Well, I hope the video was helpful (Krissy). If you have any questions, please let me know. As always, please comment and "Like" below if you wish for me to keep creating training. :-)



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doobie333 Premium
Thanks, this was very helpful
PjGermain Premium
Much appreciated Janina!
theresroth Premium
That one'll help much!
Thanks PJ!
PjGermain Premium
Thanks again Therese!
AnnieB Premium
Thanks Peej for this clickbank promo training. By the way, was that a (shock, horror, gag!) flashing widget in clickbank at 4 minutes I saw?? Am I behind the times that they are back in fashion again, or is someone at clickbank a few years behind the times that they aren't? lol :) Annie
PjGermain Premium
LOL! Indeed it was. Scary, I know!!
rocky2 Premium
Thanks PJ great post! Thanks for the information. I was wondering how to use Clickbank, now I can look into it.

Can I ask you how you did your video? I made a video with SnagIt, but wasn't able to upload it to my post. I got a message that said the MP4 file was too big to load. I had to upload it to YouTube first and then copy the link to my post. Is there another way to do this? Is there another video product I need to use?
PjGermain Premium
I have a the latest version of Camtasia. It's fantastic. But, it came at a price. You might want to PM Loes. She probably knows of a solid free video creation software.
rocky2 Premium
Thanks for the info. PJ. Have a wonderful day!
PjGermain Premium
Anytime! Backatcha!
Ultimateless Premium
i just get a spinning wheel on your video :(
TanjaRita Premium
It might be something on your end. Video is working fine for me.
Ultimateless Premium
This has been happening a lot to me lately. Anyway it's working........for now.
PjGermain Premium
Odd. Perhaps clear your temporary internet files.
PjGermain Premium
Thanks Tanja!
Ultimateless Premium
Loved the tape! I really have to focus...I still need to complete the WA training so that I can make better use of your info. How do you clear temporary internet files?