In order to see advanced optionsyou have to click/activate the form opt-in /subscription / lead

Here you have several options, most of them are just about "looks" of the pop-up you about to create. Such as where your submit buttons will show and the text and background color. I will leave this for you to explore.

Paste your Rainmaker code where it says "add form embed code" and you set to go.


On this panel you can configure where and how your campaigns or messages will appear. It's very much self explanatory.

You can choose for your messages or campaigns to appear site wide, exclude some pages or choose to appear only on selected pages. You can also choose when they appear.

One thing I do suggest is to turn off your popup campaigns and messages on mobile devices since last update, google is penalizing websites that have popups covering more that x% of the screen.

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amgolf Premium
I will try interesting plugin "Icegram"
NarasimhaRao Premium
Thank you for sharing valuable free plugins.
I-Pedro-I Premium Plus
was a pleasure, hope it can be of use!
TerriD1 Premium
Good lesson. I will have to explore this further. Thanks for the info.
I-Pedro-I Premium Plus
was a pleasure, if you need help let me know
TanjaRita Premium
Is there a way to use Icegram without rainmaker? I had looked into these a while ago but didn't understand if you could use only one and not the other. Also, is there a way to get it to send out a free e-book once someone subscribes?
I-Pedro-I Premium Plus
Hi Tanja
Yes you can, you must redirect people to landing pages instead using the mail form.

check the images bellow.

As for the "send out a free e-book once someone subscribes?"
You can but to do it automatically you have to use a 3rd party service. Such as Mailchimp.

I will post a video later how you can do that and get back to you
TanjaRita Premium
Ok, so if I don't have a landing page then I would need to integrate the 2?

I am using Sumo right now but like to know about what else is out there.

I switched from Mailchimp to Benchmark email because Mailchimp no longer allows any affiliate marketing. Not sure if you were aware of this.

Benchmark is really good but unfortunately they are still fairly new so many things don't integrate with them yet.
I-Pedro-I Premium Plus
No, for instance, if you want to give someone a free ebook you could do like this.
Create a page with no links from or to your website.

Make a simple design and put a download button so people can download your ebook from that page

Only way to get to this page is by hitting that "click get a free ebook" on your pop up.

I was not aware of mailchimp policy. I just read it.

Correct if I'm wrong but if I got it right, you just can't use it for promoting WA type of business. You can use into niche sites that are not "make money at home".

Ex: if you have a cooking website you can send recipes books with your mailing list and on that recipes pdf have affiliate links for an awesome amazon oven.

They clearly state that they are against affiliate marketing but are ok with no spam affiliate links.

I'm going to check that Benchmark mail.
Labman Premium Plus
Not a fan of Rainmaker. They are trying to create a parallel sort of WordPress (and charge for the opportunity).
I-Pedro-I Premium Plus
I know, still made a good WP plugin, free to use. Pretty much like having a chocolate cake with a cherry on top, I hate cherry so I remove it and still eat the cake ;)