Every blogger, even the ones here at Wealthy Affiliate, has a habit of checking his blog stats.

Now, the issue is not with checking the blog stats; the issue is with HOW OFTEN does one review it.

Here comes my third tip.

Tip #3:

Don’t kill your time by constantly viewing the blog statistics.

Checking your statistics every 10 minutes on the blog attendance, and the number of dollars that came from affiliate marketing, contextual ads whatsoever, does NOT constitute a wise time management.

Again, use this time to learn something new in your niche, or write another useful article for your blog (remember: it is necessary to post articles at least once a week).

NEXT: Do Not Be a Clone!

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dejeanaxel Premium
A simple reminder for beginners but also for more experienced members that persistence is key and that to achieve your goals, focus and productivity are key, get those right.
Zarina Premium Plus
Absolutely right, Axel!
Thanks for taking your time to check out this tutorial.
FCS2023 Premium
This is a very useful blog you have created. I have been at WA for a while now and I have seen plenty of blogs. I love the simplicity and how comprehensive it is. Keep up the good work.
Zarina Premium Plus
Saludos, Juan!
Your feedback matters!
Thanks for stopping by :)
CroweKnows Premium
Would you share what a typical day is for you working on your site?
Zarina Premium Plus
Hi Charley,

Well, I always start my day with a cup of coffee :))

I usually try to work both on blog and on WA page once I am on laptop, so first I would post certain WA resources on Twitter.

Then I would work on my blog content. I have an outline of the things I want to write about but my topic is about personal development and success, so my blog posts turn out to be deep enough. However, I do reply to the comments that I receive on my blog to ensure good "site health".

This being said, it takes me longer to work on website's content, yet I try to spend a bit of time on WA content every day.

How is it for you Charley?

Thank you for stopping by!
ceptey Premium
Looks like you are a very organized person. Anyway, people tend to preach what they believe and practice.
Zarina Premium Plus
Hey Cephas,
I try my best to be as organized as possible!
I have high ambitions, and those ambitions won't be accomplished doing nothing :)
ceptey Premium
Hey Zarina
I love the phrase "I try my best" I usually hear such phrases from only humble people
Zarina Premium Plus
Your comment made me smile :) Thanks!
CroweKnows Premium
I am all over the place. Trying to reign it all in. I just read and participated in your time management post. I have my list and plan. It really helps to keep it simple.

It also really pays to reach out for help when you need it. :) Thanks!
Zarina Premium Plus
Hi Charley,
I know the feeling - sometimes it's hard. But it all just a practice of habit, I believe.
That's great news about time management! Let me know if that strategy works :)
Feel free to reach me out whenever!
Best of luck,
lancini60 Premium
like they say Rome wasn't built in a day
Zarina Premium Plus
Exactly, my friend :)
Sourabh Premium
A simple yet fruitful write up... nice work Kasotty
Zarina Premium Plus
Hi Sourabh!
Thank you very much :)
Stay tuned for my next training about WordPress tags and categories :)
See you around,
Zarina Premium Plus
Hey there,
As promised, here's my second training: Appreciate your likes, comments, and following!
kumar1992 Premium
Great tips, definitely very useful for beginners. Good Job!
Zarina Premium Plus
Hi Kumaran,
Thank you very much!
This is my first training, but so many more to come! :)
See you around,
kumar1992 Premium
Great, looking forward to seeing many more successes from you too. Anyway, thanks for the follow! :)
Zarina Premium Plus
My pleasure :)
Stay in touch, and if you need help in anything, feel free to reach out to me!
Zarina Premium Plus
Hello again, Kumaran!
As I mentioned already, here's my second training: Really appreciate your likes, comments, and following! :)
See you around,