After flying through the first 5 tips, you've landed here, the last 5 tips. It seems more dramatic this way doesn't it?

  1. Read. Read, read, read. That is the single most powerful way to boost your vocabulary! I grew up reading from a KJV Bible and I thought the language was so neat and different that I just had to learn how to write that way. I slowly incorporated my own style of it and eventually landed a firm writing style. I would not have the same thought process I do today if I hadn't found that book.
  2. Diversity rules. If you begin writing/blogging about a subject matter, don't beat a dead horse. That is a phrase I grew up hearing. Say something and move on. Don't repeat yourself over and over trying to make a point. Once you have said your point, you needn't keep writing about in different ways.
  3. Educate yourself. A student is never above his master, he becomes like his master. There is always someone smarter than you, learn from them. Admit first to yourself that you do not know everything about anything and then you can start learning. Plus, you can fix practically anything simply by "Googling it" or "Youtube it". I have seen 4 year olds use smartphones. People are never too old or too young to learn.
  4. Set a routine. This holds true on so many levels. Set yourself a routine for writing/drawing/singing/dancing/practicing your skill and stick to it. When you do not allow yourself to practice your skill, it will fade away. I promise. Keep working on it. Even if it amounts to 30 mins a day; in a week that adds up to 3.5 hours.
  5. Last, but certainly not the least. BE CONFIDENT IN YOURSELF!! I cannot express this enough. If you have no confidence in yourself, why should I? Really ask yourself that question, "Am I confident in my writing?" If not, then study, educate yourself on your subject matter, practice more, ask for help. The list goes on and on. But the overall big picture boils down to this; be confident in yourself. A leader is someone that is confident in oneself and that radiates outward to his followers.

If you found this helpful or not, leave a comment on how I can improve this training. This is by no means a comprehensive list. I wrote this to help those just getting started and those that need a little help. I hope you find your inner writing voice and you shout from the rooftops.

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    mrbill6771 Premium
    Than you for the tips, Zavier! Simple and right to the point. We an all benefit from your quick review
    Bigdeallisy Premium
    Great tips Zavier - very simple but also very easy to forget! Thank you
    Zavier Premium
    Thanks. I try to keep things simple because when it gets complicated, less sinks in. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.
    edtay78 Premium
    Thanks for creating this training Zavier! I really appreciate it. I am not really good at my grammar and I rely on words software to help me. Your recommendation of will help me a lot. I would not need to cut, paste and check every time now.
    Zavier Premium
    While the program isn't 100% all the time, it does help a lot. Plus, its free.