Author Igor13
Rank 1294

Hello dear friends!

This video training is aimed mainly for beginners. It is also a reminder for advanced marketers that are struggling to enter into more niches.

Every one of us, and I am sure you'll agree, would like to define the best niche when trying to pick up the most profitable niche online.

As in every other activity, mistakes are a standard part of the learning process. Every success went through inevitable failures! You know that! So, don't let mistakes discourage you!

Please, review the video and read below what four mistakes are widespread when trying to define the most profitable niche for your business online, you should avoid.

1) Focusing on money only instead of on the expertise and skills you possess.

Your goal should be:

  • To share value
  • Sharing helpful advice
  • Offer solution for your visitor

I suggest keeping above in mind in the first place. The money will follow.

2) Every beginner struggles enough with only one niche, as well.
Still, as you advance your skills and expertise, you should aim for expansion and try to enter into some other lucrative niches, which also means creating some different websites!

3) There are millions of niches available online
. In the same manner, there are various markets you need to conquer to succeed. Choosing oversaturated niches and markets will make it very difficult to become a successful online marketer. Do some researches before entering such fields. Be sure to pick the right niche and demand for your needs and business online.

4) Half of the world's population still has no internet access
. Don't try to target this population. The markets with reduced or even without internet access will make it only impossible for you to succeed online. Instead, try to find out where your targeted audience "hang out" online and target those places.

The conclusion

As you can see, choosing the right niche and market is not that difficult as it appears. It is essential to do some researches in advance and to become aware of your passion, expertise, skills, and knowledge you possess, which are the foundation of your future business and success online.

Focusing just on the niche that looks promising based on money alone, will blur your clear vision and bring you off the right path of success.

I hope that this short training will help you to start thinking about how to choose the right niche and market and to motivate you to conduct some brainstorming before making any firm decision about it!

With that said, I wish you happy marketing and much success in the future.

Lastly, please, if you liked the training, leave a comment below and share it with friends. Furthermore, If you might have any additional questions or would like to discuss the topic, all you have to do is to notify me per email or through your comment, and I would be more than pleased to open the discussion.

Best regards,

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    TDenise Premium
    Great job Igor! You were being quite creative. I like the written effect on the video and the actual content was great as well. The only construction I would say is sometimes the speed of the transitions was too fast, so it was hard to read what you were saying, and on some screens the contrast of the colors (between the background and foreground) made it challenging to read. I love what you did and where you're going with your training though. Great work!
    Igor13 Premium
    Hi Tiffany!

    Perfect! Thanks for your remarks! I really appreciate it! I will consider them all and make future training better.
    Let me quickly answer to your remarks!

    Related to the speed of transitions:

    - you are right, sometimes the transition is to fast. But, it is also about the duration of the video. I wanted to make it short but informative. On the other hand, everyone can stop the scene while reading it. However, if you say you would like to have it slower, it is a piece of good advice and I will consider it. Thanks, for that!

    - I know that the best contrast is black and white. I can resolve the reading challenge by using the opacity option for the graphic or to use the white background only and reduce the size of the photos and other graphics. Will also consider it. Thanks again!

    Best regards,
    TDenise Premium
    You can also take a look at the color wheel and just make sure that if you use purple in the background, you use yellow in the foreground and so on. Here's a nice graphic explaining the color wheel and opposite colors:

    You're right that you can also play with opacity in the background to make the words in the foreground pop a bit more. Sometimes, they can get merged into the background which makes them a little harder to read. For the speed, you're right, it can be paused, but most people will just subliminally skip over it, or think something and not say anything. It makes the user experience better when you don't have to stop and start the video in order to read the text.

    Best wishes Igor. I hope the feedback helps you. You're doing great and I'm sure you'll be blowing us away with your skills and talents very soon.
    Igor13 Premium
    Hi Tiffany!

    Yes, your feedback is great!

    I agree totally about all your remarks. I will consider them and implement in the next training. Thanks for the color wheel suggestions. Very nice explanation and suggestions on the site. I have also used before also Adobe Color Wheel which is fine too. However, didn't implement it in my training so far. But, I will now.

    Thanks again and talk to you next!

    Best regards,
    TitaWorks Premium
    Great advice, Igor....
    Igor13 Premium
    Thanks a lot, Netta!

    It is great and enjoyable to know the training is appealing to people! I really do appreciate it!

    Best regards,
    JMatonge1 Premium
    Wow! Very educational. Thank you.
    Igor13 Premium
    Hi Joseph!

    Thanks a lot! I appreciate it! I am very glad you found it useful!

    Best regards,
    Sytemsinc Premium
    Thank you so much Igor for this profound encouragement, it's easy to forget sometimes that the main reason for everything we are and do at Quantum level or Soul level is growth and expansion of the individual at the focal point of that particular stream of consciousness. Thank you so much.
    Igor13 Premium
    Hi Kim!

    Thanks for the lovely comment. I love it. The vibrations we are living and experience in our daily life can "move the mountains" or "making you feeling bad!")

    Although mastering the "art" of proper Relationships and the Soul Satisfaction, or Soul Piece (actually a great niche to enter; I am preparing right now another training about evergreen niches, which will be posted soon) which are the two (as I called them "Life Dimensions" even if the term perhaps is not that accurate) life's wisdom, is far from easy, for many people is still a problem in the real-life and they struggle with it daily.

    Yes, Quantum physics might discover many things we are not yet aware.

    Great to hear that somebody is interested in a spiritual and etheric dimension in Life!

    Best regards,