Keep in mind --

Your only purpose in your article writing is to share quality content, create curiosity, get your prospect to your website so that you can get their contact information. You are not looking for a sale. You are really not telling them about your products or services, at this point in your marketing campaign.

Once you get their information, you have legal permission to begin building trust and rapport through repeated communications. This effort later brings people to your repeat offers, assuming they will follow your best recommendations. This happens mainly when you consistently demonstrate your expertise.

Every aspect of your campaign serves a purpose.

If you are a network marketer or a superaffiliate incorporating the phone, your presentation call should be doing those things. Your articles are only designed to get your audience to your site. That is it.

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mpg608 Premium
Good info,thanx Barbara.
Jessies Dream Premium
Excellent stuff Barbara... thank you!
I'm fairly new here and v. interested in article marketing.
I like your straight forward succinct style.
Thanks again,
sabian13 Premium
Excellent stuff Barbara... thank you!
I'm fairly new here and v. interested in article marketing.
I like your straight forward succinct style.
Thanks again,
andrewmoss Premium

Thanks for the tutorial. It was really informative. I love your style of presenting.

Thanks again

tara23 Premium

Thanks for the tutorial. It was really informative. I love your style of presenting.

Thanks again
