Thank you for joining me in trying out a Saturday tutorial! I will give Extra Credit for you in sharing your knowledge thus far in using alt tags on your website.

Happy Saturday Hugs!


Nurse Becca

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BorisRoman Premium Plus
Thanks a lot for sharing!

Wish you much success!

NnurseBecca Premium
You're very welcome too Bob. And likewise for sure 🙂
Niagara1 Premium
I learned something new today again, this is the first time i ever heard of alt tags. I was wondering if there is a plugin for it or no?
NnurseBecca Premium
It is in each post, and for the images. Yes you can look up alt tag wordpress plugins. Here is a great excerpt that helps: "How Alt Tags and Meta Data Help SEO"
"Optimizing your images for SEO helps crawlers better index your web pages, which in turn can give you a rankings boost because it can make the page more relevant to users. Let's say a searcher needs plumber repairs for a clogged bathroom drain. Google has to choose between two web pages from different companies, both of which have equal ranking factors. As the crawler reads through the first page, it doesn't identify any alt-tags, therefore, it assumes the images (if there are any) do not add page-specific value. On the second page, however, the crawler locates 5 images, each one with a full description of what the image is showing. All 5 images' alt tags supplement the rest of the text on the page. Since Google is all about spitting out the results you'll most likely jive with, its's going to go with the article that it thinks is more relevant."
Consider real people apart from Google as well. If there are search results with no alt tags, and you have a person who cannot see they, too will choose the alt tag option. So for ranking and real people, the idea is to make your posting more discoverable for ranking and real people. I hope this helps. It is also the same idea with SEO for videos.
MForstner Premium
Great post Rebecca! I think this is a great reminder for all. Alt tags are extremely powerful. I use them on one of my camping sites and some of these tags are the reason some pages end up ranking page #1 on Google. I believe a big part of making alt tags work are quality photos! Those photos must relate to the page and be described in a very specific way.

If I recall the alt text must be about 125 characters or less and in these characters you should leave out things like "photo of" or "image of". That should be obvious. It's a good idea to use a keyword or two but no keyword stuffing, that'll kill it. Done correctly it can be a great benefit to SEO.

I don't have a specific resource but I've used for info.


NnurseBecca Premium
I love this response Mike ! Extra credit is a big thank you from my heart💝
megawinner Premium
Yes, let's endeavor to be all-inclusive.
NnurseBecca Premium
Joes946 Premium
Is the angel climbing for altitude or flying sideways?
Great article.
NnurseBecca Premium
Yes I think she is lol thank you!