Another good place to add the WA guidelines is on your profile page.

Many members who want to follow you tend to read your profile information. Having a link on this page will also encourage them to become familiar with the guidelines.

Plus if you have created a link in your website to your profile page it will also give interested visitors a chance to read them before they sign up.

This is what I have included at the bottom of my profile page:

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bsmith1222 Premium
Thank you for sharing!
LisB247 Premium
You are welcome.
larryf20865 Premium
WOW!! Lis!!
Great writing here and I'm so sorry I didn't notice the rest of your blogs you had written.
Thank you for this heads up.
Hope to talk to again soon
LisB247 Premium
Hi Larry, thank you.

Talk to you later.

I really like the idea of having a link to the Guidelines from the Profile page.

There are some other things in here that are No-No's. I was surprised one day, when I offered my email address to another member on here - or vice-versa, I don't remember now, but a member pulled me aside and told me this was not cool.

He showed me the place where this is discussed. (I would have to look it up now) which was in a blog post by Kyle. The post has to do with solicitation on the Platform and I didn't think the language referred to communicating with each other outside of the Platform, but when I contacted Kyle about it, he said that it does indeed mean what it says.

Having communications between members outside of the Platform is discouraged.

One would never know this unless he/she goes about doing the offence, and if someone notices and knows about this stipulation, may be approached.
LisB247 Premium
I agree Daniel, it is difficult at times to know what is right and wrong.

Having the guidelines close to hand can make people think before they do something that will get them into trouble.

It still is sometimes unclear in the guidelines what is permissible, but as that member did for you, it is best to gently warn someone of their mistake so that they can learn and rectify the error.

Asking more questions, through Kyle and Carson, is also good advice.

glycogen Premium
I think you have done a great job with you ideas and coming up with some practical solutions to this problem. Glyn
LisB247 Premium
Thank you, Glyn. I am glad that you found it helpful.
BigDaddyFred Premium
Great training. Thank you.
LisB247 Premium
Thank you BDF, It is the first one that I have ever written so I am glad that it came across ok.
BigDaddyFred Premium
Well written and straight forward. This is what is great about reading many different posts. Everyone has an area to contribute. You saw a need and met it. Great going!
LisB247 Premium
Thank you, that is really appreciated.