Now you must fill out the page with the correct information for your new user. Below is an explanation for each part of the form.

Username - Username is the name of the user that readers will see (if reading something by them.) I recommend just using the person's first name.

E-mail - This is the email that wordpress will send notifications to the user at, as well as where it will send the user's login info.

First Name - The user's first name. (Not required)

Last Name - The user's last name. (Not required)

Website - The user's website if applicable. (Not required)

Role - The role defines what permissions the user will have. I will explain each on the next page.

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shivaramswamy Premium Plus
When u want somebody on fiverr to do onpage seo for your website - what role should we assign to him - subscriber, editor, author or administrator?
jimbrown131 Premium
On-site SEO implies that they will be making content changes to your pages and posts. I would give them editor auth.
ninjazrb Premium
I would give them editor. However, make sure you back up your site and make sure they're trustworthy because that gives them the power to edit your posts.

Jenna7 Premium
Thanks for sharing this. It's nice to have if you need it-I may try it in the future if I need someone to work on my site.

Have a great afternoon!
ninjazrb Premium
Thanks for the feedback. Hopefully it can help a few people out. :)
riyazashu Premium
Thank you for having such a good information.
ninjazrb Premium
Thanks for the feedback!
st3w4 Premium
Never mind, I didn't notice is was more than one page at first
ninjazrb Premium
No problem. That was my main purpose behind the article. Thanks.
st3w4 Premium
What exactly does each "Role" entitle the new user the ability to do?