Placing Images or Photos on your page or post

Here are step by step instruction on how to add single images or a row of images to your posts.

When you create a new post the following tool bar will be seen at the top of your post

To add an image to you post you will click on the "Add Media" button shown at the top left hand side of this tool bar.

This will take you to your media Library where you can Upload images from your computer to add to your Gallery and then insert into your post or choose an image from your gallery to insert into your post.

To upload an image from you computer click on the "upload files" tab. This will bring up a screen where you can select a file from your computer or drop a file into the box to upload.

You can drop files here and they will automatically upload. If you want to select a file from you computer click on the "select files" box and it will take you to your computer files.

Click on the image you want to upload and the "open" button on the bottom right hand side.

This will upload the picture to your library where it will be ready to insert into your page.

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MrEe Premium
my image is not show properly I need help. the display is big even when I have tried to reduce it several time.
johnwnewman Premium
Nice training! Thanks :-)
KeithMaki Premium
I am going to bookmark this for future use. It will make my pics look better! Thank you, Keith
LetsRet Premium Plus
I'm glad I could help
KeithMaki Premium
Great training - thank you! Keith
theresroth Premium
Marvellous, thank you!
LetsRet Premium Plus
I struggled for awhile trying to get the images just right lol. So hope this helps others.
theresroth Premium
You are a great worker with perserverence and quality!☺
Success all the way round to you!