There you have completed your message and added it to your site. The last thing you need to do is go make a coffee or pour yourself a drink and listen to it again.

This time very critically. Pretend you are the visitor to the website.

Ask yourself.Is this irritating to me or is it pleasant and or convincing to listen to?.

Is it easily understood, that is it must have clear diction.?

If you do not like it, remove it but pat yourself on the back for having achieved something new today.

If you found this little tutorial helpful please leave some feedback. I need a pat on the back sometimes too.

Before you go I just received some helpful tips from Stefan. They are worth your attention as they enable you to add recordings without slowing the speed of your site loading

From Stefan

ToLiNoLi Premium Top 100

Great tutorial,

However, I avoid loading huge files up to my website to keep the speed up (especially mobile users will be affected by it if you do)

I use service websites (soundcloud to host audio, youtube / vimeo and other to host audio / video)

Then I embed them to pictures or inside blog posts.

Works too and no big files to load when people visit my website..

That is my advise.

If you choose to host sound and video yourself, I strongly urge anyone to look for dedicated hosting (hosting on your own rented server)

Stefan :)

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arielharris7 Premium
Wow great!thank you
Freisia Premium
Thank you Loes.
mybiz4u Premium
Thnx for sharing.
Freisia Premium
You are welcome, I just hope it is of assistance to some.
Happy2Learn Premium
Look at you Judy. You are learning and growing everyday.... Well done.
Freisia Premium
Thank you, there is life in the old girl yet
Happy2Learn Premium
You Go Girl!!
Nick-at-WA Premium
Thank you, you two :)
ToLiNoLi Premium Plus
Great tutorial,

However, I avoid loading huge files up to my website to keep the speed up (especially mobile users will be affected by it if you do)

I use service websites (soundcloud to host audio, youtube / vimeo and other to host audio / video)

Then I embed them to pictures or inside blog posts.

Works too and no big files to load when people visit my website..

That is my advise.

If you choose to host sound and video yourself, I strongly urge anyone to look for dedicated hosting (hosting on your own rented server)

Stefan :)
Freisia Premium
Thank you Stefan for your sound and helpful advice. Can I go back and add that to the tutorial to be an effective option? I am still learning myself so its a little like the blind leading the blind but always great when someone fully sighted can assist over the difficult patches.
ToLiNoLi Premium Plus
Yes of course, do so, we want to help the community with tutorials and blog posts.

Happy to be of assistance, you can add my name for the reference, that would be nice. :)

Freisia Premium
Thank you.
Freisia Premium
I have added it on the last page, just a copy and paste, removing just the time of your response
Thank you again.
ToLiNoLi Premium Plus
Thanks A+++ :D