Step 3 - Brainstorm Action Steps

Before you can take any action, you want to brainstorm ways to achieve your goals and mini goals. You want options, not a single path that you think will work. It allows you to think outside the box.

Some people refer to brainstorming as creatively solving a problem before it happens or while it’s ongoing. Without brainstorming, most people come up with between two and four ways that they can reach their goals.

When you start brainstorming from a research perspective, you often find better ways to do things, shortcuts and money savers. Don’t be afraid to network with others and ask for their best practices, too.

Brainstorming action steps is easy to do. You need a notebook or a writing program on your computer. You start by thinking about the steps that you need to take and you just write down whatever thoughts pop into your mind.

As you write down your thoughts, you may start to see how some of them are connected and might possibly overlap one another. This will help you see how you may need to prioritize or even group certain action steps.

When you brainstorm, you’re free thinking - and that can often let your mind pinpoint a better way to do something. Some people find it helpful to brainstorm on their own, while others can’t seem to move their mind away from a certain focus in order to come up with action steps.

If this happens, it can be helpful to brainstorm with someone else who understands the end result that you want. Brainstorming with someone else is as simple as having a conversation.

You simply tell them what you want to accomplish and say that you’re trying to come up with action steps that you need to take. Many times having someone else to bounce ideas off of can yield new ways to get things done that you may not have thought of on your own.

Brainstorming can also be helpful when it comes to seeking a solution about an action step. Some action steps require more effort than other ones do. You may end up needing to do more or find additional help.

If you don’t have someone to connect with as a personal contact or even an online forum friend, you can start researching the best way to achieve certain goals online.

Be very specific when you search. For example, if you needed the mini goals to build a list, you might type in “steps to build a list” and see what came up. You might discover a blog post or infographic that details these steps:

  • Define your target audience
  • Create a viable opt in offer
  • Sign up with an email system
  • Set up the list responders
  • Create a squeeze page
  • Promote your opt in offer

Maybe you didn’t have one of those listed in your mini goals, but now that you’ve seen it online, you can add it. It’s easy to forget all of the small steps involved in achieving a larger goal, and you don’t want to forget something important along the way, or feel caught offguard if you realize it in mid-stream and have to reorganize your goals on the fly.

It shouldn’t require much time to brainstorm – or research. If you’re visiting other sites, just pop in quickly, scan the resource to see if you already have those steps on your list, and jot down anything that might be missing.

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MarionBlack Premium
Mini goals are important steps which sometimes I forget about. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Catherine. I have already created a plan on how to divide my time between self-imposed tasks and I certainly need to cut out some of the distractions. ~Marion
TheCatherine Premium Plus
LOL don't we all Marion
bsmith1222 Premium
Thanks Kat. I thought I was pretty good about organizing and doing but now I see I need some better focus and might get done not only quicker but better efficiency. I like to dream and procrastinate too much
TheCatherine Premium Plus
Dreams are very important Brian, but it's procrastination which is the killer.
bsmith1222 Premium
so true
BNeki Premium
Thanks for your training Kat, doing what you suggest will help me organise a plan that works for me...cheers for this!
TheCatherine Premium Plus
Always the best plan - kake it work for you
gadifi Premium
thanks for the great training Kat. I never wrote my goals down but after what you are saying the mini goals have to be visual so you can see them and then take steps towards them.
TheCatherine Premium Plus
Always helpful to visualise a plan
kennnyb Premium
Absolutely fantastic training Kat. I have never really thought out a plan until now. Especially regarding my websites which I really don't have a long term plan set out for myself. I will think tis one out and contact you Kat.
. Ken
TheCatherine Premium Plus
i have several in minds for you but you have to decide where you wnat to go and have one plan and see it through. You have the start the twenty articles now what are you going to do?
kennnyb Premium
I am doing my humble best to get my site up and running Kat as you know but once that is done what to do. I have to figure out my future girl and you just made me realize that I have never even thought of. Hard work is my middle name but where am I going with all this That is the million dollars question for me. Ken
TheCatherine Premium Plus
Where do you want to go with this? you have several choices and now is the time to make them
kennnyb Premium
I have started a list and I am sure I will expand in the next will then add a bunch of short term stuff.> I did this as a kid and wanted to be a millionaire of course but that dream still exists only because of me not really trying hard enough. My home goals have been certain l met and even surpassed as This is what I concentrated on all my life.
Now this website thing is a new challenge for me I have to think long and hard about my websites Should I excel or should I give up a loosing cause with millions trying out the same thing? Making a living online.It is extremity tough for a dummie that is poor