7. Surround Yourself with a Good Team

Behind every thought leader, there is an awful team. Thought leaders don't do all the hard work alone; they appoint the expertise of a smart support team.

Do not underestimate any member of your team. Be humble, set pride aside and try seeking expert advice from your team members. Try to also make corrections where you fall short; this will gain you more respect.

Let your team members also take a full part in the creation process and understand your goals as to attaining a thought leadership status.

Surround yourself with a terrific team, and they will help you build a legacy.

And It’s a Wrap!

Thought leadership is a lifetime process; once you've established yourself as an expert in your industry, you have to be consistent so as to remain on the top.

Be open to new ideas, keep improving yourself and your brand and the sky will be your limit.

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elhuntley Premium
Thanks Israel great post!
Israel17 Premium
Glad you enjoyed this post, elhuntley! Much welcome onboard! I hope to see you become a thought leader soon in your industry and in the online world. Thanks for reading!

Israel Olatunji
Palatia Premium Plus
Nice training. Thank you!
Israel17 Premium
Most welcome, Palatia! Thanks for stopping by! Being a thought leader comes with numerous benefits such as gaining brand reputation, having credibility boosts, getting lots of referrals all within a short period of time and many more. Thanks for your contributions!

Israel Olatunji
timstime20 Premium
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for stopping by, Tim! You're deeply appreciated! Be the thought leader that you can be in your industry and fly above and beyond in the online world through blogging.

Israel Olatunji
StefanieT Premium
Thank you Israel for this amazing advice :-)
Israel17 Premium
Hey Stefanie, you're very much welcome onboard! I hope to see you become a thought leader in your industry in earnest (if not already). But I want to believe you're already one among many. Thanks for leaving a thought!

Israel Olatunji
Willow29 Premium
I'm not quite at this stage, but this gives me something to aim for. Thanks for this great training.
Israel17 Premium
Sure, you'll get there soon, Willow29! The journey of becoming a thought leader in any industry begins with you. As you build out quality content while engaging visitors, you'll have your dream come true before you'd know it.

Israel Olatunji
Willow29 Premium
Thanks for the motivation; that's what I could really use right now.

I hope you have a great weekend!