2. Build a Connection with Influencers.

Your pitch should be concise and clear. Do not over-appreciate Influencers. They will notice. Ask relevant questions to make your interviewer feel comfortable.

Find the right people and influencers in your industry and invite them:

Conduct an interview. Guests will share at least one of them with their friends via newsletters, social media platforms, or other means. That will allow you to refresh your blog's appeal and increase traffic. It could also help you get backlinks.

It isn't as easy as it sounds. You would do well to establish a genuine connection with the influencers. Then, interact with their content via social media and mention them in your articles. That will simplify pitching them and help their eyes see you.

3. Craft Quality Content.

High-quality content is an investment. To maximize it, you must do more than fill out a calendar. The content must be relevant to your audience. Your website will be more popular if it addresses a problem that your audience has right now.

Next, create a compelling headline. The headline should be short but catchy. You can explore tools such as Coschedule's Headline Analyzer to determine how effective your headline will perform.

Every headline is a promise. It would help if you gave your visitors what they wanted. Your bounce rate will increase if your content does not support your headline.

Let's discuss more winning elements in your content strategy.

Google loves topical relevancy: These articles can rank for thousands of keywords, which will bring in lots more traffic.

Visually appealing: – This will give you a chance to grab your readers' attention and keep them on your site for a long time (approximately 2-10 seconds). Make your content more appealing by organizing it into sections using headings, bullet points, call to action, and quotes.

Audience-specific content: Don't just create content because you know the topic. It is essential to determine if the content truly helps your target audience. Analyze the content of your competitors and see if users have any questions in the comments section.

Could you keep it on the topic? Simply put; create content that matches your title, and satisfies users. Don't mislead anyone with titles to get traffic. They will leave the page, and it will damage your credibility. Don't forget what you know and what you want. Your content should be in line with their needs.

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Stragglewise Premium
Thanks, Jim.

Two things that stood out to me were the importance of proper grammar and spelling (So many blog posts have bad spelling and punctuation, which seems lazy and that is annoying, and they lose credibility, for me)...


Checking Quora for the questions being asked is a brilliant idea!

Great post.

JKulk1 Premium
Thanks Craig
Praxides Premium
Thanks heaps Jim for this very useful information, much appreciated.
JKulk1 Premium
Thank you Paraxides.
Newme202 Premium
Jim, thank you for this inspiring and motivating training. You solved 2 problems for me
JKulk1 Premium
Thanks Simone
Newme202 Premium
You're welcome
MelWaller Premium
Thanks Jim for this very informative training!

JKulk1 Premium
Thanks For reading it Mel.
MelWaller Premium
You are most welcome Jim!

Zoopie Premium
This is great Jim.
JKulk1 Premium
Thanks Stephen.