In today's business world, companies now focus more on attracting customers. Inbound marketing strategies are being deployed to attract, engage, and convert leads.

And to be effective at this, brands have to use content for telling their stories, informing, providing valuable information, and inspiring their audiences to action.

What if a business owner isn't skilled in copywriting?

Well, that's the reason we have freelance business writers and copywriters. You can get loads of professional writers on Upwork and Fiverr.

But besides that, there are good reasons brands need to engage freelance writers. This training offers 5 strong reasons for engaging freelance professional writers.

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Aussiemuso Premium Plus
I know I have considered getting a professional in to write but as I have already been ranked on the first page and have been making sales I have decided to continue learning the craft.
I can certainly see how it could speed up the process. It depends what your goals are.

Great advice as always Israel.

Lily 😁🎶
Israel17 Premium
Hey Lily, good to know you're already making progress with your business! Glad you're making sales already!

Israel Olatunji
TheAbiePPlus Premium Plus
It is true what you're saying but in WA training, it specifically says to continue to write content until you get ranked in Search Engines, this way when the time comes to hiring a copywriter, you'd know what to ask / expect. Thanks for sharing hope you're having a super day.
JeannineC Premium
Actually some people are not good enough writers to actually ever get ranked. I've read some very poorly written content produced by WA members. They didn't know there was no hope of ever getting ranked, much less ever getting a conversion.

If it's been a while and you're still not ranked, hire someone to write for you. Don't skimp on the cost - if you pay $1 for an article written by someone who is, for example, not a native US speaker, you won't get quality. You get what you pay for. It's just one way to invest in your site and speed up your success.
TheAbiePPlus Premium Plus
Totally it's the sensible thing to do, I was only referring to what Kyle wrote in the OEC. Or the case, me lol I have ample projects and would want copywriters, but I also like to get my feet wet and see what happens. Thanks for sharing, I appreciate your comment
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for your lovely comment, AbieAJ! Writing content alone cannot do the work but promoting your brand across the right channels. You must promote your content to the right audience, otherwise, you won't rank. And that's why brands depend on the services of freelance writers to handle the writing for them while they go ahead promoting their brands on social media platforms, forums, and elsewhere.

Israel Olatunji
Israel17 Premium
Wow, thanks for your great advice, Jean! I always cherish your wisdom.
Claudiojuan Premium
Hiring a writer is something I have thought many times I know the best copywriter I think in the world. It is Spanish-speaking. I am learning a lot from you and from him.
But you know one thing I like to do everything my way. The day that my time is not enough I can delegate writing to another.
Thanks Israel !!
Israel17 Premium
Wow, thanks for leaving a thought, Claudio! Yeah, we can sometimes be in need of a professional freelance writer. This helps ensure that we can manage the aspect of promotion wisely and effectively.

Israel Olatunji
Ahimbe Premium
I engaged a writer once and agree with the content you have shared in your training. I intend to resume soon.
Thank you for sharing this info.
Israel17 Premium
Glad you found my tutorial useful, Ahimbe! Thanks for reaching out all the way! It's good to use the service of a freelance writer, so you can ensure to have consistent publishing.

Israel Olatunji
saruth Premium Plus
I agree with you totally, Israel. I haven't tried it before, but the problem would be how to find a real professional, and what is the cost.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for your comment, Saruth! Of course, there are a couple of trustworthy writers out there and the best way to recognize them is via their writing stuff. When you see that a writer is consistent at writing great content, know that you've found one already. Thanks again!

Israel Olatunji