Wealthy Affiliate #CaptainsLog: Boot Camp - Completed Phase 2 Lesson 6 & 7 Backing It Up
I have ideas coming out the "Wahzuuuu" but I think I'm back on track. I learned how to back up my sites today and wow that would suck to lose all that good work. I hope to get a few more training in tomorrow. They felt more like refresher training tho in Lesson 7. I'm now on Phase 2 Lesson 8. I haven't done the WA Affiliate Program yet because I really want to get my own business sites up and going first. With all this information that I'm learning and applying, it feels like I should have made a profit by now.
Its 4:30am in the morning. I need sleep and I'm sure I'm dropping the ball or missing something. Hopefully by the time I finish Phase 2 the answer will be revealed. I'm sure some of those answers are in the Live Events.... I really need to watch those.
Is anyone else trying to play catch-up and make a profit? or as Drake would say "Is It Just Me?"
Recent Comments
Congrats on your progress. I've also learned a lot, but I'm applying it to my WA site. This will be my proving ground first! Best wishes!