Getting in the right end of the pool for once
I have upgraded today now not so sure about all of this but I know one thing this is one awesome platform and the value is through the roof of the little I have seen so far. I have tried a few years ago to make money online and failed and failed again and again. I was trying to find a way to make extra money from the internet so I could pay for my wife's medical expenses because my full time job was not enough needless to say I fell for a lot of scams that profited me nothing put in a lot of work but zero results so I gave up went out and found a part time job. I was disappointed in myself and I was thinking that the make money online thing was out of my reach because several of the areas I was working in would tell me you have to have this great sum of money to invest like five thousand dollars and more there was no way that was going to happen so I became discouraged I knew that going out getting a part time job would not allow me to be at home with my wife who had a incurable disease that she had been dealing with for years and it was important for me to be home spending with her taking care of her instead I was out working two jobs 70 Hours a week and never home. About two months ago my wife's disease took her life like we knew it would some day. So now I find myself on my own with a household to run no idea how to do that because that was what she did while I worked so I have had to give up my part time job and lose that income so I began looking around again how to make money online and some how I found Wealthy Affiliate and this feels like a real good fit and that's why upgraded today because I'm beginning again that I can do this and make this online business work so thank you for allowing me to gain access to this wonderful platform
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I'm so sorry to hear about your wife. More power to you for going on and making your life exactly what you want it to be. Good luck :)
Thank you for the condolences and well wishes.