Chasing time and finding Motivation!


Ok, we survived the holidays - and plans for 2016 are taking serious shape - time to kick some booty right?!

But, where is the time?

Have you found yourself desperately chasing the clock - or can't seem to get the ol' brain going?

Yea? Me too.

It can be downright discouraging, right?!


I picked up Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert randomly in the business section and its blowing my mind in AMAZING ways and I thought it might be helpful for some of you also.

I loved reading this so much that now I recommend it to all my besties in business. ((Elizabeth Gilbert is the same woman who wrote "Eat Pray Love", that is now a major motion picture.))

She talks about how beautiful and ALIVE your ideas are... and how they can cartwheel away from you, if you do not grab a hold of them and get started.

Another idea she speaks so perfectly on, is how to have a love affair with your "work". Then, its easy to find the time. To sneek into the stairwell for a racy 15 minutes with your love.... sneek away from your obligations and chores... take a VACATION with your love.

A blogging vacation - sounds lovely doesn't it?!

She vibrant. She's real. She uses bad words. And, she really gets me freaking pumped to get my blog together!

Every page, every paragraph, every chapter, is like a mini motivation speech just for me and my blog. I am so thankful for this book!

Sometimes - all you need is that one light bulb idea that sets everything else into motion.

This book is BRIGHT with light bulbs on every page to help you illuminate your brain and get writing!

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I know its a year old but great post Mel and I am going to find this book on audible and have a listen. Thanks, Kev :)

Awesome! I hope you like it! Let me know!

Got the audible version and I love it Mel! thanks again for the post :) She speaks my language, Kev

That's so awesome! Thank you so much for letting me know. I am super happy that you are relating to it! I think I'll grab the audio version as well and leave it on the background during my "day job". Thank you for the inspiration!

Hey TinyBelle
Thank you for the info on this book. I need a blogging vacation. I will go and check out the book.


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