Thank You For Your Patience And Help
I could not have done this on my own, so I truly thank you for your patience and help. I began this endeavor because I'm the caregiver for my spouse and needed to be home but needed an income. I saw working from home as the best option. I almost didn't do it because I had zero and I mean zero computer skills. I didn't even shop online unless I absolutely had to. I barely did Facebook and only because family lives on it and I have no idea what's going on in the family if I don't get on it every couple of days. I didn't and still don't care for it.
Oh the challenges
Seriously people when I saw start a Facebook page when all I knew how to do is comment and maybe post a photo a few times a year I thought what on earth is a Facebook page. I knew Twitter existed but never once got there. Glanced at Pinterest once or twice a year if I had to have an idea for something. Instagram, what even is that? Links, Keywords, blogs, tags, SEO, CTA, SOP, AHHHHHHHH! Then write an article with a CTA when you never shop online or read blogs and have no idea what they usually even look like. You've got no idea how overwhelming that is. Well, now I can say it was, thanks to your help. Download, upload which one is which? Go to your file and select it, what file, where, how, huh. I'm not kidding here it was so bad. All I had ever done was data entry. You know, fill in the blanks with information given to me by whoever was at the counter or on the phone. Easy peasy. I'm a good typist so that was no problem whatsoever.
I've learned a lot
I still have to look back at my notes sometimes and have made a few cheat sheets, but you all have been so patient with me and so helpful. I'm making progress slowly but I am moving forward and gaining new skills. Though working from home was the best option for me I wish I were progressing more quickly but that has been because I've found that working from home when you are A.D.D. has been a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I get easily distracted by the smallest of things. And at home I'm surrounded by a long list of things I want to get done and they are staring me right in the face. It has been quite an adjustment. I've now set up a new space for my computer where I can't see much except a bare corner. I'm working to find ways to be more diligent about being able to not focus on other things and take my work seriously. Right now I'm still learning a lot and I am working on making work a higher priority . The webinars are very encouraging and the program set up helps motivate me once I get in it. I truly have to say thank you for your patience and help because I would have never gotten this far without you all on my side and answering my questions.
I still have more to learn
Yes, there is still a lot I don't know and new skills I still need to learn. My confidence has grown so much though and I have all of you to thank for that. Your encouragement and tips have helped me so much. I know that the only thing standing in my way is me. I know that you all with be there to help me out if I get stuck. With changing my at home workspace and keeping my mind focused on not letting non-essential things take priority I will begin to move ahead better now. I truly can't say it enough and it comes from the heart. You all are a great group of people. So once again, thank you for your patience and help. I honestly don't think I would have even made it this far without you all.
Recent Comments
Tina you are amazing! WA is a LIFE CHANGER! It is so inspiring to read about your journey. I am looking forward to following you and keeping up on your continued success!
Thank you for sharing your journey. This is a lifelong learning journey. We hope to apply and earn income too. That would be the goal for all of us. Take care and stay safe.