Dance to the Music of your Soul
When was the last time you danced in life? If you recently went to a night club and danced that is great. You most likely released some pent up energy. Dancing is a great physical release. We all dance a little differently. Some of us dance with feet pounding on the ground. Others may dance with their arms flailing about in the air. Dancing is a creative form of expression. Each culture has a creative form of dance. But I am not talking about going to a nightclub or cultural expression of dance. There is another way of dancing that I am talking about. Dancing to the tune of your own soul and to your own inner music. When was the last time you turned on the radio, heard a particular song and you felt like dancing. Maybe the particular song on the radio spoke to your soul. Maybe you were moved to tears by listening to a particular piece of music. In writing my book I choose to listen my favorite music as it inspired me. I have observed people who were parked in their cars dancing in their seat to the music. I remember seeing one young guy shaking his head up and down. He almost looked like he was having a spasm. One girl was singing making some rather strange facial expressions and singing into her hairbrush. Maybe she thought she was on stage or the next American Idol? Heck there was one lady who was really shaking the whole car. She was clapping her hands and if I did not know it I would have thought she was praising the high heavens. I don't know what she was listening to but it must have been really good music to get so excited. Whatever the music it was working for them because not only were they singing but their souls were singing. They all were dancing to the tune of their souls. Sometimes I would hear people singing to the high heavens their favorite songs and I would smile and think, wow they are just so happy. I am happy to say that Celine Dion, Patti Labelle and other internationally know singing diva's have nothing to worry about.
Have there been times in life when you really wanted to dance. Yet something inside of you is not ready. Have there been times when the music simply speaks to you. Maybe you have been praying for an answer to a problem and suddenly the answer comes in the form of a song. It does and can happen if your just listen. It is your choice to dance or stay behind. Listen to what your soul is telling you. Listen to what the rhythm of the music is telling you. I am going to share with you and incredible experience I was sitting at a red light. It was a Sunday afternoon and this was amazing. In the vehicle ahead of me was a young black gentleman. He got out of his van. He began to dance in the middle of the street. He was grooving to the music and really shaking his stuff. There were people passing by in the other cars. Most were looking at this man as if he had a couple of screws lose. Some people were laughing. Some were not paying any attention at all. I could not stop looking at him. Nor could I stop laughing. I was not laughing at him. I was laughing because I was witnessing the joy that this man felt at that moment. I thought this is crazy but at the same time what a wonderful thing to do. This man didn’t care what he is doing. He was dancing to his own tune. Of course he was in his own little world. But that is what made this a wonderful moment. He hadn’t noticed that there were people looking at him like he was insane. All he did was smile back at me and shouted happily, “When your soul sings you just gotta move sista” I have never laughed so hard in my life. I smile and gave him a thumps up! He did eventually stop when the light turned green. But the essence of that moment will remain with me for the rest of my days.
That particular moment taught me that when our souls sings to us we need to honor that. We need to honor that true joy. We need to honor the gift of what our soul is telling us. Maybe your soul is telling you to move in a different direction. Change your career. Readjust your lifestyle. Move from your current location. Whatever the message is listen to your soul and dance in that direction. Do not be afraid to move in that direction. It was a great gift to receive that day and wonderful to experience. Do not let your life pass you by. Listen and focus to what your soul is saying. This is God's way of nudging you out of that rut in your life. When you feel like dancing, just dance. When you feel like singing, just sing. So if you feel like your life is on hold or stuck or the days stress has got you blocked. Listen to your soul. Turn up your radio. Play a favorite CD or cassette tape. Get out and dance. Heck if you need to dance in the street just do it. Just make sure the light is red. It might just put a smile on some one else’s face and make their day.
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