My Top Tip for Learning Affiliate Marketing!
Rollercoaster Ride Of A Journey...
Well, Guys; I am finally here...
It's taken me eight months to finish the five modules and it's sure has been a rollercoaster of a ride.
Like everyone that has come here to WA, I saw a way to improve myself both technically and financially. What I didn't expect was the emotional rollercoaster of a ride I would go on through the last few months of education that got me here, to the end today
I Thought I'd Share My Top Tip:
Be Patient!
I, like many of you reading this, like to obtain new skills. I've developed a talent for learning. Over the years I've refined the process allowing me to take on new things at a fair pace.
Fast learning on the face of it sounds like a positive attribute to have. However, it also breeds impatience, I want to learn lots and quickly so that I can streamline workflows and be as efficient with the process as possible.
I binge watch the content. There, I said it...
We all do it don't we? I mean, did any of you really not take a sneaky peaky a few videos ahead to get a gauge for what's to come?
Well, I did, and I shouldn't have. Really, if anyone is reading this and is still nearly the beginning of the course, I have something to ask you.
STOP NOW! Go back to the last lesson you actually but 100% into completing and start again from there. You will save yourself hours of heartache, disappointment and rework.
Slow and Steady Wins The Race:
Is there anyone still there? Right, So why then did scouting ahead hurt me too much?
One thing I noticed early doing this was that I understood some of the lessons covering the basics, so I skipped a little ahead, and a little further again.
All of a sudden, I'm near the end of course 2 and I have a list of things to do. A very daunting list of things to do.
The whole time I've been scouting ahead telling myself: yeah, I can do that. Or yeah, I'll do that at the same time as....
Then The Rollercoaster Turns Down:
Wow... I don't even have a website installed and I am already worrying about adding affiliate links and what my SEO plan is.
My desk is full of notes; notes that are scribbled on bits of paper. Coffee cup empty and 5 hours of 'work'.
But was it work, really? Well, I might have picked up one or two things while watching the videos and a list of things to do but I've not really done anything.
I was feeling overwhelmed - I was trying to hold so much information learnt over such a short space of time.

The Next Few Weeks I FAILED...
Armed with my list of tasks, I run in head first, creating my website to look flashy and sparkly thoughtlessly implementing the lessons I'd skimmed over.
It all went horribly wrong! A month or so in and I've got half finished projects lying around. Mindmaps of ideas which would be awesome if ever implemented and a tickle of boredom because everything going on so slowly.
Small Goals Consistent Success:
Then I realised what I was doing, the trap I've laid for myself was clear. There was only one way to fix it!
Go do it properly from the beginning step by step. By doing so, I would have constant quick wins of success that will keep me motivated.
This has to be the most important lessons I've learnt from this process. Like any new skill, it first takes time to get the basics right and more importantly, consistent. Then, finally, when your confidence grows, you can take on the more advanced stuff.
I went back. I did it in bite-size chunks and I finished.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
Did you have a brick wall that stopped you? How did you get passed it?
Recent Comments
Thanks for sharing this! I would just add one point that I haven't seen discussed here, and that's seasonality. Every site experiences it to some degree. People shop like crazy at the holidays, not so much during the summer. If your sales go down during the summer, that's as much of a reason as any. Don't beat yourself up over it.
Thank you. I tried to use all the lessons in the last module within the post. Small paragraphs, pictures, headings and a nice little call to action at the bottom :)
Thanks for the word of warning :) - I understand its gonna take a fair amount of time before I can expect proficiency. Didn't know about seasonality though, that's an interesting concept.
I guess society goes through buying cycles so it makes sense!