My time here at WA so far.


It's almost been a month and I can't believe that it went by so fast. I've done a lot during the past weeks but I also wished I had done more. I'm just going to cheat and use this outline to write this blog haha.

1. Your progress thus far

My progress so far has been okay in my standards. I wish I could have done more and I will try to make more effort. I was doing at least one lesson each day in the beginning, but I have been slacking off and sometimes even doubting if this was going to work or not...

2. Your website that you have created

My website is Check it out and leave a comment if you'd like. I recently changed the theme and I am pretty happy about it. I still needs a lot of work and still trying to get my head around rankings and what not. Everything is still so very new but hopefully I will become good at it!

3. Something you have learned thus far.

Wow. I've learned a lot. Keywords are really important when trying to get proper rankings on your website, which is why I decided to become a jaaxy pro member. The monthly subscription scared me but I decided if I was doing this, might as well sacrifice a little and do it right.

4. A question that you may have.

I have tons of questions!!! But for now, my main question would be "Am I doing this right?" I am constantly doubting myself. I don't even know if my website can be seen by anyone. I also realized that my niche is very competitive...There's a lot of other websites like mine that look so much better!

5. Any successes (not just financial, but things you are proud of)

Well I'm still proud of my website and how its continuing to grow. I like how my rankings at WA is going down, which is pretty cool. Getting comments on my posts is really fun, until you realize the bulk of it are spam :') haha.

6. Your plans and goals in the upcoming 3 months

I hope to make one sale! I will pray! Once I do get a sale, I think that's where things will take off. I'm a little hesitant of referring anyone or sharing this to social media just yet, because I do have friends and family that may join. But I need to see first hand that this really works.

7. Your plans and goals in the upcoming 6 months

I want to have a really nice looking website. I have about 14 posts for one month so I want to have at most 84 posts! Some sales might also be nice and maybe even pay back what I've put in.

Thank you for reading and please leave feedback or anything! Even questions, I may be able to help :)

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Sounds like you are doing a great job so far!


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