Why Being Insecure Makes You Awesome!
I know, it's a bit off topic...
But I feel the need to write about something that I struggled with, and assume many of you do too.
It amazes me how many of us have suffered (or do suffer) from insecurities that truly matter... not at all.
I've run across people that worry about what they look like. They worry about creating a REAL profile picture, for example.
Hell, I was one of them!
Think about the people that you've seen on WA, or on your various social media marketing networks.
I'd be willing to bet that many of them will not win any beauty pageants.
Yet, you find yourself hanging on their every word!
Do you care what they look like?
Don't Obsess over Vanity
We simply get too tied up in our own personal insecurities - our own little self conscious vanities.
People don't care what you look like, they only care about what you can teach them, what you can offer them, what kind of person you are.
The care about whether or not they can trust you to be honest with them.
Sure, you'll come across the occasional insensitive troll online, and maybe they even judge you based on your appearance
...or one post where you had a bad day...
...or something that you said that was wrong
Let them stew in their own brand of personal vanity - you need not be affected. You need not feel judged.
Here's a Trick I Learned a Long Time Ago
If someone is rude to you in a comment (for example), see if there's a way for you to find out what they've said on other posts.
If it's on a blog post, try doing a search on their username. If it's on Facebook, then check out their profile.
See if they display a pattern of negativity.
If they do, pity them, ignore them - and feel secure that you need not be affected by whatever afflicts them.
If they're not normally negative, then reflect inwardly and see if there's something that you could have done differently, or if what they are saying is true.
Just don't obsess over it!
At the beginning of this post, I said :I struggled", past tense. As if all my insecurities were a thing of the past.
They are not, it is normal, and in our best interest to struggle with our insecurities.
Because, they are there so we are motivated to reflect inwardly upon ourselves.
But like so many things today, we tend to take them too far, abusing the natural order of things.
We obsess about things that don't matter, constantly questioning - eroding our self confidence.
Use this feeling as it was intended.
Reflect, it's an opportunity for growth, nothing more.
Reflect and decide if you have work to do on a character flaw, or personality trait.
If you decide you do not, then move on and give it no more thought.
If you decide you DO, then decide to fix it.
Once you truly decide to change, once the decision is made, regardless what everyone has told you all your life... it's instant!
All that's left is to eliminate the habits.
Here's a hint to know if it's truly something you need to think about:
If you find yourself saying "why does this always happen to me?"
If "everyone else" is a problem...
It's probably you!
Accept that it may be you, reflect on the "why" and fix that!
Otherwise, ignore the trolls, ignore your own self-hate, and succeed by being fearless!
Recent Comments
I've assessed and actually reached accord with offbeat people here James by examining their hot points in posts!
Hey Michael, thanks for commenting, can you expand a bit more about that?