3 Ways of Raising my Vibrational Energy - Make Your Dreams Your Reality

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"In order to create your new reality. You have to create a new you." - Unknown. This is the basis of this post. Through this post, we are going to be looking at the 3 ways of raising my vibrational energy and make your dreams your reality

Your Dominant Vibration is controlling your life

Whether you realize it your not. Your reality is a direct reflection of your dominant vibration and current perception of your life. Even though there may have been countless times that you visualized a different reality.

You may find that you did everything from setting your intentions, using daily affirmations, and even practicing meditation 3 times a day and every time you would always reset back to a certain level or certain experience.

Whether that was working full time for a boss or continuing with habits that you know don't serve you. You may have that through all your attempts you still ended up back where you started.

So, How do You Attract Money, Success, and Love

The key is to change your universal set point or your dominant vibration. This journey started for me back in 2015 and over time I've realized that there are levels to this experience. The Levels are, depending on your own level of vibration measured in a well-known vibrational energy scale known as

"The Hawkins Scale". An energy scale developed by Dr. David Hawkins from his book "Power vs Force" that measures persons expanding levels of consciousness that he worked out through using methods of Kinesiology and muscle testing. Here we can measure things like Shame, Fear, Guilt, Morality, Acceptance, Reasoning, Love, Joy, and Peace.

Now your dominant Vibration will be in one of those levels of consciousness. You may find that you might fluctuate but you'll also find that you have gravity to a specific vibration which may go up and down from time to time but will find that it will eventually reset right back to its dominant set point which is your common mood and state.

Your Dominant Vibration Is Set

Your dominant vibration is set and based upon what you repetitively do, think, and feel and what your core habits are during that time as if it's on autopilot. your identity is defined by these moments and all those other negatively impacted moments that you have then identified with and believe to be true.

Ever noticed through the course of the day you may randomly think about a moment or situation that happened years ago. Yet, you feel that situation exactly as if it had just happened to you.

That is your ego-mind holding you at that vibration and as soon as you try and bring yourself out of it you may find that randomly when you least expect it that it pops right back in the fore of your consciousness keeping and trapping you at that specific vibrational set point.

Even in my own life. For many years I found that I would allow the negative emotions of my childhood to govern and hold a firm grasp in my adult life and relationships. Where those things weren't even in my current reality I still allowed them to impact my emotional and vibrational state. bring those energies into my current situations and life.

Many of us may have found solace in external habits like drinking excessively, having drug addictions, sex addictions, cigarettes, basically anything that could distract us from our current reality and not paying attention to how we are actually feeling. Numbing our selves and ignoring what's really going on at the source.

Energy is always moving and needs to move, and so when keep those energies buried down and hidden. You may find that they eventually turn into ailments or disease. Because we are so busy distracting ourselves from what's really going on and actually dealing and feeling those emotions and energies and choosing to let them go with love and blessings, that we can continue to bring ourselves up and learn from those experiences.

How to Change Your Dominant Vibrational Setpoint.

Its as simple as asking yourself, "What do you love?" That's it. Now I know and understand that you can't just say. "Oh, Sure. Find what you love, Thanks guy"

It's far deeper than that. but You'll find at your core and on some level, you will know what that is.

So for me. It's Helping people find their better selves. I mean honestly, I can do that In a thousand different ways through conversation. Through Painting. Through coaching, through any avenue really. I just chose writing as my main tool to communicate my message. Which I believe is your message. Because first and foremost I believe that there are no accidents in this world and if only one person reads this post then I have done my job. And for me, at my core, that is to be in service to others and to help them get out of their own way so they can be their best selves. And If I have to do that one person at a time and one blog post a day, every day. Then that's where I'll find my joy and happiness in being a full-time blogger. Because to restate the quote in the beginning.

"If you want to create a new reality, You have to create a new you" - Unknown

And the key to all of this is understanding your identity and what reality you identify with and 2 energetic states

Energetic States

1. Lower vibrational energy states

These are negative emotions that we identify with and believe that those states are who we are. We give these states meaning. even if they were given to us by our parents. things like, "kids are meant to be seen and not hear", "Money doesn't grow on trees." So on and so forth.

The key to surpassing these negative states is Knowing this one truth.

2. "Things don't happen to you. Things happen for you."

Honestly, for me, Had I never had any of those negative experiences I would never be the person I am today. Those events shape you. It's up to however to either agree with them or to succeed because of them.

You are the Star in This Movie

Know this one simple truth. You control the frame here. This not someone else's rodeo. You call the shots here. This is your production. As long as you keep telling yourself that those negative situations happened to you and play the victim in that role. You will find that you will always identify with that character. Where the truth is, you are not that person. I appreciate that there are people in this world that have had horrific things happen in their lives but understand that you are not responsible for those situations. But you can choose how to deal with them and how they affect you.

"Inner peace begins the moment you refuse to allow another person or event to control your emotions" - Unknown

The 3 Steps to Raising Your Dominant Setpoint.

1. Identify Your Core Vibration and Identify Your Core Identity

Identify your passions, who are you? what motivates you? what is your core vibration? What gives you great fulfillment? For me, That's writing, I love writing. I love being able to share my innermost thoughts with like-minded souls who find value in my content and resonate with what I'm saying.

Using that information and inspiring themselves to make and create change in their lives. This is my highest vibration. Giving back and being of service and not in service. Even before I started doing this my passion was learning about metaphysics and talking about these topics with other like-minded souls for hours raising our vibration and feeling incredible after that and those experiences.

Everyone has something that they are interested in and when you start to focus on that you start to do what you want and what you are passionate about and start developing your own gravity and vibrational set point and you know this by how you feel and how you feel is how you identify your highest vibration and what brings you the greatest amount of joy.

2. Letting Go

Let go of what no longer serves you. Let go of people who bring your energy down. Take ownership of your energy and protect it from those who are like "Energy Vampires" draining your life force and taking advantage of you by not making you feel like that you are enough and that you have enough.

Be aware that those lower vibrations did actually serve you and had a purpose. It is however up to you to either let that situation hold you and keep you in those states or to rather see them for what they are and accept them, bless them and let them go. Learn from them and move on. they had their purpose. They no longer serve you.

Many of us hold on to those stories because they believe at their core that's who they are. Often you may hear these people say " I always get sick." People are always against me" "No matter what I do, I just can't catch a break." At their core getting attention. relying on others to validate them or make them feel better because they don't believe they have it in themselves. Okay. Congratulations. You're right!

You are not those stories. Make a decision today to chose and find your passion and joy. Accept and believe that you are at your core and just let go.

3. Wire in the new level of being

Repetition, repetition, repetition. When you find your new core setpoint and who want to be. Do that thing every, Single, Day!!! And I mean, every single day. Not a little bit today. Some tomorrow and then maybe a little later. NO! Everyday. You want to exact change in your life then do that thing every day. If you want to sing. Sing every day, You want to be an artist. Paint every day. Even if it's 6 minutes a day. Fine but do it every day. Make that your core vibration.

Malcolm Gladwell made famous his statement in his book "Outliers" that in any profession to become world-class you need "10 000 Hours of deliberate Practice"

Bruce lee was famously quoted for saying " I don't fear the man who knows 1000 kicks. I fear the man that knows 1 kick 1000 times."

I order for you to do what you love and live the life of your dreams. then Make a commitment to yourself that no matter what in order to achieve your financial, love and success goals that you are going to do and be that person or goal every - single - day. If you want to do what you love full time, you have to treat what you love as your full time. regardless of what people may think. Regardless that you have no subs or followers. Do it every day. No matter what.

Your core vibration gets wired in with repetition and doing it daily. Get into the vibration of being in your core vibration. No matter what it takes. After wiring in that frequency with repetition, it becomes who you are. Do what someone living your dream life would do every day. Be that person. No apologies, No excuses. Everyday!

And with that my friends I wish you well and blessings on your journey. If you enjoy this sort of content please let me know by commenting below. I'm always happy to chat and discuss these subjects.

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Wow. This is my second read to start the weekend after my meditation ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ™†โ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ‘Œ

I will keep an eye on this post to see how many people got something out of it.

Thank You Sir.

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