Why Are You Here?

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I ask this question everyday and not just on WA but everytime I begin searching for the purpose of my relationship with the internet. Ask yourself that question as you start heading down that road searching for your reason for being here.

I came on to WA not for the sake of searching for a new brand to endorse or new ways to make a quick commission. I am a writer looking for a purpose for creating more contents, which is why I didn't sign up as an ambassador. I am here to promote ideas and get the grip of what upcoming entrepreneurs such as yourself, is looking for.

I believe that the main thing that made me go premium was the Jaaxy software because it saved me a ton of research and the community stronghold. As a social media analysist, I am always looking to be part of a community that has the same intentions in mind and the same passion.

I ask a lot of question because most of my blogs are based off personal observations, reviews and comparison. I don't do sales. I just nit pick information to give to the public and give them a platform to make their decisions. I am also a writer so being part of a community allows me to observe different personalities interacting, disagreeing and agreeing on topics.

Why am I blogging about this? There's a point to it, trust me and here it is.

People who wants to make passive income through the internet only view it as a sales tactic which is why most internet entrepreneur fails. You shouldn't focus too much on the affiliate marketing part but focus more on what is it that you can OFFER people coming to your page. Is it information that they can make use of? Is it an expert opinion? Is it personal experience?

Your audience should be viewed as humans and not just a commission.

I have 10,000 niche. Very random. I do this because I don't want to focus completely on one thing that would bore me. Again, as I mention earlier. I am a blogger always looking for contents. Joining affiliate marketing group actually gave me the contents that I can presecribe to my formulas.

If you are content driven, follow my blogs here on WA because I will be discussing ways to incorporate sales tactic into personal contents without coming off as an ambassador for one brand. I'll give suggestions because not every suggestions work for everything. I am an idea person and I like brainstorming. If you enjoy any of that, feel free to follow because we can brainstorm things together... if you are content driven and not sales driven.

There are two types of people in the internet marketing world and those are the two. Which one are you?

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Hi. Thanks for sharing. I am also here to write, and to offer supportive words to those who wish to read them. However, I do wish to make it a full-time occupation, so I will be following what you have to say to see how I can make that my reality.

Hi Andrew! Thanks for following and sharing that. I find that the most useful thing for bloggers and writers is to affiliate yourself with the right source.

Of course, you can still connect with brands through click bank, CJ, Amazon and other marketing platforms but take my personal page as an example. I write about personality types so on that specific page, I sign up for affiliate groups such as type talk and thought blogs. They are a membership group and some offer classes on understanding personality types.

I can get a small commission but at the end, I get a bigger traffic which also helps with future revenues.

Its about researching and knowing that will work for you and your topics. Sellers would call that niche picking while bloggers would call it resource endorsement. It still falls under the category of niches if you ask me, just a different name for the same definition.

Wow, it just gets deeper and deeper, always so much more to learn.
I am willing to learn, so appreciate your willingness to share.
Kind regards

Hi Soulsin,
Thank you for your post. Your comment about “what you have to offer people, can they use the information”. I must say Until now I have been commission focused. I guess now is the time to change. It makes a lot more sense thinking in terms of what can I offer the people reading my posts.
Rob & Michelle

Definitely! You can stay commission based as well but humanize your website by connecting more with your readers. When they see a few personal post or something that they can relate to, theyll trust your raves about a product. Its a psychological thing. :)

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