Know, Like and Trust

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I had a conversation with a client the other day about Getting More Clients. Between us: "They are engineers". In a feew weeks from now they were going to start promoting their company to "strangers", and for them - for the first time.

I told them that we (people) buy from people (companies) that we Know (have heard of), from people (companies) we Like, and from people (companies) we Trust.

How do we do that, they asked.

I replied: First, you guys need to present your company. Second, If you guys act like you do right now - being your selves - they might like you. Third, If you can show them How Using Your Company can benefit them (staring out with a small project) - they might start to trust you guys with even larger projects.

Feel free to call me if you need some more regarding this, I said.

They answered: We will ($)

In WA we learn all this. To be Known. To Be Liked. To be Trusted.

It takes time, but it can also be speeded up. It all depends on each one of us.

WA is not our market. This is a community. For a lot of people out there, seeking to learn about making money online, WA could be the solution. But within WA we all need to make our selves known, liked and hopefully trusted. Then we'll keep on having this great community for a long long time, and succeed big time.

Hope some of this was usefull?
If so, comment below.

If not, comment below, but in a nice manner so this becomes a good day for all of us.

Best regards,

PS! Stay in there tiger, grrrrrr

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Great article and I totally agree with you Thanks for the remainder

Thanks ;-)

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