Hard Work Doesn't Matter
Working Hard Is Stupid
Now this may not be a popular opinion. But it is true. It doesn't matter how hard you work, what matters is the result and the value that you bring. Throughout most of our lives we have been taught that if we just work hard we will see success. And while discipline is needed to be successful that doesn't mean that we should just continue to work hard if it doesn't bring us the results we want.
Think about this, if my job is to dig holes I could use my hands and start digging, working hard for hours and hours for minimal result. But none the less I would be working hard. However, if I used a shovel instead of using my hands, I would cut in half the time that would be required to dig that hole and I could accomplish my goal in half that time. So instead of just working hard it is far better to work smart.
Work Smart Not HardBy finding the best way to do a task that requires the least amount of effort you are working smart to better use your time for other tasks. So when we are creating our businesses we should always remember this. Because the end goal should be for us to have our businesses run on autopilot with us doing minimal work and the only way we can get to that point is if we work smart.
So let me know in the comments down below what you think, if you agree or disagree... I'm looking forward to hearing your opinions.
Recent Comments
I agree, you need to work smart, not hard. For example, if you have to take a pile of heavy stones from point A to point B, you could take them one by one to point B and take a whole day, you worked hard but not smart. If you use a wheelbarrow to get those heavy stones to point B, you still have worked hard but also smart and you did save a lot of time. Thanks for the share, Brandon :-)
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