From the Bottom to the Top online Business start up - Affiliate Marketing

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Affiliate Marketing

Okay let start at the very begging for me Hi i'm Shawn . For the last 5 year's of my life I have always wondered and thought about making money online with things that I could turn in to a business that I would like to start up. Just like the picture at the top of this Blog . Have you ever thought about it? I'm sure you have

Well that's the big question that we all have . I have always been interested in making money from home why not spending more time with you'er loved ones and making a steady income streams coming in Boy oh boy wouldn't that be the life. But do you know what's really funny is that when you mention the word Affiliate Marketing or talk about a refferral opportunity to people they tend to Chuckle.

You may ask why's that ? well let me share with you.

In my experience and the way the world is everyone think's making money online is a total scam , Its not that I can promise you the one's already making moneys online know I'm telling the truth. But now a days people need to see it before they belave it. So the biggest is the good old Pyramid scams that put's people off, But in all reality everything is build like a pyramid . people need to know that for sure .

Beleave me I have been down that road a few times before with a few MLM (Multi level marketing) Progam's And yes at first they look awesome but its finding the same like minded people like your self to actually make money and if you don't well its just another loss that can be a very long road to travel . But with the money I lost in the MLM was because I did not do the right research . I just thought about getting rich quick. beleave me if you do the right research then you will find the right path. and if you read my blog you will truly see what I'm talking about

With the right research that 's when I found Affiliate marketing. and learned what it was really about so hear it is in a nut shell .. affiliate marketing is where you promote big box store's like Amazon, click bank,Ect and make a commission for the refferral and that's paid by the company not the other person that found your link . Also there are over 10,000 free progames out there yes I said free . And there is no get rich quick in my books you want to make money online and have that income streams then it will take lots of work . So if your ready let's put that hard work in . but there is so much more out there then most people know or want to know , Well as we go though this blog it will open your mind back up to a whole new world .

So lets explore it together ....Affiliate Progams platforms to look for

There are 1000's of progam's out there that you can join most want money up front some start you out with a free account . well if your really wanting to start becoming a affiliate marketing pro then you will have to find the right platform . but don't worry all my link's will take you to the best platform out there in my books .

ok lets start out with braking down what to look for in a platform .

one that will give you a free account .. yes that right you wont to see what your dealing with first before you pay . as yes all platform you will need to pay but the one's that let you try them out free than that's one to think about.

one that can offer you full training on how to build your path. in affiliate marketing . One that will show you how to build a brand for your self that a big one . As well as one with a big community to help you along the way ..

So in the next part of this blog I will tell you about who I chose as well why I choose them.

WA - Wealthy Affiliate Progam

So stight up front this is the platform I choose and the reason why is . Coming in to affiliate marketing there is so much to learn . and not knowing much at first was the bad part of starting out . But I took the time to read what they offered . and I think once you read them too then the path will be started . Wealthy Affiliate has 4 things that they off to help you build and I'm telling you they really work so here they are

1 - Discover Your Ideal Business Direction—Instantly!

2 - Launch Your Stunning, Profit-Ready Website—In Seconds!

3 - Flood Your Business with Traffic—The Sky’s the Limit!

4 - Turn Clicks into Cash—Almost Limitlessly!

Wealthy Affiliate Powers Successful Internet Businesses Worldwide.We don't just lead the affiliate industry, we innovate and propel the industry. There is a reason over 50,000 independent authority bloggers rank Wealthy Affiliate the "go to' platform for Internet entrepreneurs.



So you can see what I'm taking about there are great thing that can happen as long as you put you mind to it and lots of help from Wealthy affiliate and Me .

The hot seat

So with all the online world out there and people pushing what they have to offer can sure feel like the hot seat but I'm sure after checking this blog out you mind can cool down a bit and rely to help you focus on what you wont to do or the path to go down .

So always remember it start's with you and you are the only one that can make it happen so being in a hot seat is not really that bad because if you make it what you wont then you will always be in control and that is what will lead you to your success. so lets talk about success


So if your looking for that get quick scheme then this avenue is not for you . But if your will to be open minded beleave in your self hard working in this platform then sucess is where you will be remeber its about the right platform then the right niche to build . then build a great website for your customers can go to . find the right affiliate Progam to work with . then start driving traffic to that website . the most important build a brand that your follower can enjoy.. the more you beleave in your self then the more people can believe in you . if your really looking to go the mile then feel free to open your free platform here with me and lets take you to the next level ..

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4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training

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Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training