Premium-First Week-Wasting No Time!


It's been my first week here at Wealthy Affiliate As a premium member and I have been wasting no time getting the ball rolling!

I have already made a tiny bit of cash, and have successfully launched a site that has awesome site health and one that is currently building, both indexed and one has first ranks on a couple of keywords! I really love it here at Wealthy Affiliate and see myself being here for the long run. Let's hope that these tens turn into hundreds then the hundreds to thousands all the way till I can't grind no more! I really believe in the system here at WA and hope that I can get 300 people to jump on board with me and see everyone in Vegas!

This is just week one, I can't wait to see where I'm at after year one! This is an extremely exciting time to be on the internet along with 2 BILLION other people. The money is there, go out and get it! I know that if a little 19 year old kid like me can get this going as well as travel all over the country at the same time (currently at a summit in San Francisco right now!) and manage other sources of income online, then you can too!

Please feel free to spark some conversation with me and enlighten my young 19 year old mind because all I wish to do is keep growing and growing. Even if it's trivial facts, knowledge is knowledge, and knowledge is power! The more the you learn, the more you EARN! So read some of the books that I have here and you can see what I see. I want the good life, I've been on the web for five years looking for it and I will put in 100 hours a week if I have to to get there. It takes time, i'm not full-time yet, but it's real and you should want to get your share!

Answer to yourself. How bad do you want it?

Start making lists of goals and checking them off, I look forward to speaking with some of you!

Wishing you the best,


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Oakley, it took Kyle 3 months to make his first $1 online, we're ahead of the game my friend :)

If I may ask, are those earnings through ads or affiliate links to products?

The future is very bright for us on the internet man, just threw in my two weeks notice at my J.O.B. (just over broke lol) I'll officially be full-time come April 27th :)

Lets keep it going man! I'm pretty sure I'm going to be getting the yearly membership to save money, I know I'm here for the long haul.

To the top we go.

Through Ads on my content, my actual products aren't selling well, have maybe sold only one or two tiny books, but that's it! Most of the money I'm producing is through the advertisement on top of my content! We will be at the top soon my friend, it's not if we will get there, it's when!

Exactly :)

Kind of crazy that you've managed to make that much off of ads already, I have about the same amount of ad revenue in total after like 5 months of my PC site being live O_O

Rankings come in time since Google takes a bit to have trust so don't sweat the few sales, it took me 2 1/2 months to actually rank on first page and start seeing good consistent sales.

You're going to blow this up so big dude, this is just the beginning lol crazy things are going to happen in the year ahead, such as us hanging out in Vegas buddy ;)

For sure man! We will be there soon enough!

Congratulations on you wonderful progress and success!

Great post, Oakely

Well done with a lot of hard work the sky is the limit. You are WA success story.

Good for you, I am happy for you Oakely :)

Wish you luck.

Wow....You are at the right place, so am I, so hope to learn from you!

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