Please Help Support Our 1st Elementary School Reunion
Hey WA Fam,
Just wanted to post this up, because I really need your help. I'm planning a class reuion for my elementary school. The official date is May 25th, 2012. I don't have the funds to put everything together. My 6th grade teacher Mr. Bradshaw is now the area suprintendent for the school and he said we could use the field for our fitrst field day class reunion.
Thing is, we need insurance (just in case someone get's hurt), pay the ganitors ($250 for 6 hours), food, drinks, and equipment for our field day such as:
Field Day Price List<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
Potato sac- $25.00
Soccer ball- $10.00
Double Dutch rope- $30.00
Tug of war rope- $80.00
Baseball bats- $120- $220
Baseball helmet- $20.00
Horse shoe game set- $45.00
Anyway that you can help will be greatly appreciated.
Here is our facebook group for the reunion.
Learn more about the reunion at
Thanks for your support! Whatever your donations are, I will show proof of the items that we get.
If you rather give some gold towards our reunion, that will be help as well.
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