How to Carry on Even When You're Not Feeling it

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As I sit here writing, I am not feeling it. Today I am going on the third day a migraine and I don't feel like thinking, let alone writing. The only reason I am not burying my head under the covers and begging it to end is that I promised myself I would write two or three blog posts a week and I want to keep that momentum going.

Even though I don't want to think right now, this migraine has forced me into it. It has made me wonder if it is possible to develop the same mindset for this new, scary venture of mine, that I have always had with my migraines.

I was diagnosed when I was 30 but, looking back, I believe I have always had migraines. They are of medium to high severity. They are just bad enough to be painful, but not bad enough to warrant hospitalization.

I have never allowed my migraines to control or limit my life or define who I am, though. I had a child to raise and a life to live that wasn't going to stop so I pushed through them. I love that ad (I can't remember what medication it is for) that asks, "Do you push through 3 or 4 migraine episodes a week (or maybe it's a month)?" Every time that ad comes on I think, "Yep, that's me".

I have always pushed through. My daughter was an active child. There was always softball

practice, dance classes, and bowling to get to. Life goes on, even when you're in pain.

We often feel that way with this affiliate marketing gig. Days when you wake up and think, "I don't really feel like writing today"...or working on my website...or whatever plans you had laid out for the day from the night before; and, if you're like me and not seeing any results (at least monetarily) from your efforts, it is very easy to just say "I will do it tomorrow". I have had a lot of those days in the past but you have to ask yourself, as I have begun to ask recently, wonder if tomorrow never comes?

This is why I am posting to this new blog today. My head is still throbbing, the pain travels from the front of my head, down the back, and down my neck. It is not too severe, mainly because I took some medicine to put a dent in it, and I have had worse.

Today, aside from this blog post, I am hoping to write a couple posts for my websites and work on my recipe book. Hopefully, I will get it all done early enough. Yesterday I waited too long before starting to write. By the time I began working on everything, I was in too much pain to continue.

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Recent Comments


I see how you manage your circumstances by trying to write early in the day. I have been exactly where you are. Migraines are the worst. It is so hard to think or do anything at all.

It's great to see that you push through and still accomplish so much.

Thanks, Lisa. Only those who have migraines can truly understand the difficulties. Thanks for reading.


You are an amazing person Sandi. Despite all your troubles you push ahead. Keep up that spirit. Praying that your days get better.

Thanks, Ray. It has gotten a lot better. Sorry for the delay with my response to your comment. I hope you had a wonderful weekend.


I hope you feel better soon my friend.

Thank you, Lisa. I feel a lot better now. Sorry for the delay with responding to your comment. I thought I had but that was only in my dreams. Thanks for reading.

Phew Sandi I admire your courage and fortitude and wish there was something I could say or do that could ease your pain. I agree with that you should try and work through it as that, at times, will take your focus away from the pain but surely there are others on here better positioned to advise on the pain relief.
Keep safe, keep strong and keep going

Best Wishes
Trevor xo

Thank you so much for reading. I promised myself I would respond to everyone's comments and thought I had, but here I am falling down on the job. Sorry for the delay. Thankfully, that third day was difficult but the migraine is gone. I hope you had a wonderful weekend.


Great share, thanks

You're Welcome. Thank you for reading.

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