Conquering your fear

blog cover image

What are your fears?

What makes you very uncomfortable?

Fear is a monster that makes coward of great and potential great people.

It makes you second-guess yourself and gives you the impression that you are not good enough. More often than none, we cave in on our insides even before we give ourselves the opportunity to try. We give up on incredible ideas and quit.

This was my position for a long time and I believe a lot of people out there can identify with this notion. So, I thought it will be a great idea to discuss it.

You might wonder at this point... "But the cover image for this post has nothing to do with the subject. Yes! You are right.

The image is the design I made for my YouTube Channel.

Here's something about me

I love to create... In many little ways, my creativity found expression in music, interior design and graphics design. On the other hand, for a very long time the desire to create video content was strong. Except that fear was stronger.

Because English isn't my first language, I allowed fear to get the best of me. " I am not good enough to stand and talk in front of the camera", Nobody will understand a thing of what I am saying", People will not find my article interesting enough to read my post. These were the thoughts in my head.

I wanted it so badly. I wanted to contribute my quota to the world's archive, the internet. Many times I tried and so many times I trashed ideas that were potential solutions.

I am writing this blog post today to encourage someone who may to be struggling with fear because of something they are insecure about.

IT IS TIME TO BREAK FREE! take control of your life and do what you have always wanted to do and let nothing hold you back.

Finally, starting my YouTube channel gives me the motivation to daily ride my fear to accomplish goals as opposed to letting them cripple me from taking action.

I believe that fear will always find a foothold in people, but I also believe that if we focus more on that tiny bit of strength, That one thing that we can do well to help another person get better, that is when we truly align with our purpose. This is strong enough to shrink and destroy that ugly fear in us. This also is a part of success.

Beacuse I believe to whom much has been given, even much more is required. The internet has been a blessing to me and i am comitted to giving my best back to it in measures that i have recieved from Carlson, Jay, Chris and WA

So, if you are like me and you fear making video content, please, SUBSCRIBE to my new channel. You are also invited to join 1 VIDEO PER WEEK challenge.

Set up your YouTube channel if you dont already have one and post your channel link under this article and I will subscribe and follow your progress. This will also give other members the opportunity to subscribe as well.

As you work towards success online, what are your fears?

Please share your thoughts in the comment section.

Thanks for reading


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