Angst & Reinvention
What a day!
I went to my website...and found it gone!
Within seconds, like a tiger who had just found it's favorite cub
missing, I was in a blur of action. After getting in touch with my
hosting account, it turned out that my domain had expired. I was
worried that some plugins that I had installed yesterday had killed my
blog. This was doable. So I renewed my domain. Hours later, I
checked. Now an old sales page came up, replacing my blog. Fingers
flying, I logged into my c-panel--and my blog files were still there.
Got in touch with technical support again, who then renamed my index
file and got it up and running. My blog was back.
So what's the lesson?
1. When bad things happen, take action, look for solutions. Convert volatile emotions into constructive actions.
2. Also, you really appreciate something when you think it's gone.
Flustered by this rough experience, I went to the gym and pounded out
the weights and ran on the treadmill like there was no tomorrow.
As I ran on the treadmill, I realized something. I am never ever going
to give up until I succeed. I am going to work day and night to make
my dream of financial independence a reality. I don't care how tired
and confused I am, how many mistakes I make, or how many wrong
directions I take...I am going to find my way to a life I truly love.
I am going to change my life beyond recognition. In a year from now, I will look at it and not even recognize it.
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