My Progress Day 240
Update info from previous progress day 212. I found out that actualy google+ wasnt ranking me on google at all, the only reason I thought they did was because I was on my own computer and phone where my articles showed up when I serached something on google.
So, I am able to get more traffic coming to my website. All my traffic comes from social media, I rank nowhere under the sun in google or anywhere else. There is one article I wrote and shared on which is the only one that is sending me traffic because someone liked it and I dont know how the process goes but so far the most successful one in terms of traffic.
I have 0 subcribers which is also quite dissapointing out of a good maybe !000 site clicks since i started to implement a subscribe feature. ...
Its starting to get quite fustraiting, but maybe I am just not patient enough. I am right now already looking into different trainings apart from the wealthyaffiliate program. One of the programs is from the community. Its called zero to launch. So far its been a really good course and definitely needed because I felt this community wasnt giving me the right direction.
I definitely have to work on my gameplan since I am not offering any services on my webiste, which of course doesnt help me make money online and also I dont have any copywriting on my webiste either to get people to subscribe or a free gift to subscribe.
My articles and my message on my website is also quite broad and not really hitting any target market or doesnt really have a targeted message, I am quite all over the place. its definitely because I cant decide for what market to write for and I havent done enough research to find out about how I can serve them.
I am starting to think I should focus on a different market since selling cooking stuff or how to make money online stuff is so much easier than personal development which I am doing.
Recent Comments
I know it is not easy, I would like to encourage you to press on. Continue to learn and see what works from your article, I know there is a light under every tunnel.
Give yourself a time limit, until then work really hard and see where you are. If it's still not working, reconsider your niche then :)