Another blog site for me?
So...I'm sitting here at my computer with inspirational worship music playing on the radio. It is chilly and wet here in Kansas and the minor radio stations come in clearer on these days. I had just written my reply to Eddy's post about Kyle and Carson being real. FYI, I have never doubted your authenticity for years, it was me who wasn't ready to "get real" about making "real money"....
I mentioned being a Sap, and maybe using it for a blog site.....Well, as I'm listening to the inspirational music it occurred to me that maybe I actually could build a blog site around my faith.
I don't want to be preachy in any way...but I wonder if I could promote certain artists books and music here at WA without offending the is more than welcome.
I have learned in my life that the creator is no respector of persons which is how I try to live my life and I only hope to inspire people to be the best and happiest they can be in this life.
Thank You,
Recent Comments
I think it's a great idea. I love sites having to do with spirituality and worship. Go for it!
Thank You Hollshope. I will definitely work on it. I will have to do some research but it will be very enjoyable. Perhaps you can provide me with some questions for discussions.
I’ll have to think about that. It is a great niche. Have fun researching.