Wealthy Affiliate Story - Month 2. The Ice Is Broken


As you probably know from my previous post I was struggling with the affiliate marketing for over 6 months. So my wealthy affiliate story was not the one when I woke up rich overnight. There were a set of mistakes I made during my journey that made me almost to give up. But I did not. Instead, I decided to revisit the course again and start from the blank page.

Recap from the month 1, I was able to get 700 visitors by being involved in the multiple FB niche related groups. It is month 2 now and the ice is finally broken. So I hope that my wealthy affiliate story will be finally a success.

My Month 2 Macros

So for the month of March, I was able to get 1.8k!!! unique visitors where:

- Social Media - 1.2k!!

- Organic Search - 165!

- Direct and Referral - 448!

Not so bad, comparing that I could barely get at least 100/month with my first website!

During March I kept being actively engaged in 4 niche related groups where I was getting the most of my social media traffic. Moreover one of the groups started a 30-day free group challenge where I volunteered to help with meal planning etc and they were so nice to post my direct website in the description! So volunteering still can get you traffic!

My social media influence is slowly growing. As per Kyle notes, I picked 2 social media where I try to increase my influence and as you could guess FB is my main one and Twitter will be my next one. So far I have:

- Twitter - 179 followers

- FB - 177 follows and 164 likes.

My First Commission

That was something that I did not expect to have so soon. As you probably remember from my first post I was struggling not only with the traffic but also with the commissions. I did not get anything for them for the first 6 months and obviously was kicked out from the Amazon Affiliate.

This time I decided to choose only 2 affiliate programmes instead of multiple ones. The reason for that is that I felt that if you actually believe into the product and concentrate on promoting only a few, the quality of the content will look better and your website will not look like a product bumper. So I picked Amazon and CJ (only 2 Advertisers within it).

Aaaaand I got my first sales on both (Amazon and CJ)!!!! My sale with CJ got me approx $16 and $2 for Amazon! Not so bad for the first commissions. I know those numbers might not look that huge but considering big 0 with my first website, those numbers are millions to me!

AAAnd that is not it! Because I was able to get a good traffic I made approx $13 on Ads!!! Am I happy?! Hell, yeah!

Month three is coming!

With my FB group volunteering, I expect the increase in traffic in April. But I will also keep sharing my knowledge with other FB groups and use SEO low niche strategy to increase my organic search influence!

Stay tuned ;)

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Recent Comments


Thanks for sharing your journey. Its really motivating for a newbie like me :)

That's amazing! Keep it up and you'll be on your way in no time!

Take care.

Thank you!!!

Way to go

thank you!

Congrats on your wins! I know month 3 will be full of big strides! Keep going!
My best to you always!

Thank you, Cassie!


Tried and true


Thank you, Elaine!

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