Where do I want to go and how to get there?
I'm almost finished with Certication level 2 - Now I need to move on to level 3 and get going with learning how to make money online. Next will be to get into video marketing after Local marketing -
So whats happened so far?
I don't know about you but there is always way too much to do and so little in results etc.
I know I'm insane but I have 8 domains I'm working on -
The major one is OnLine Traffic Coach dot com
The above picture was taken in Cody WY - a glass trout - the reflection does not do this art work justice but it was a great piece of glass sculpture etc.!
It will deal with Local business and how online marketing can not only help their business and bottom line but it can bring a hope and extra income to smaller communities that are struggling etc.
The number two area is dealing with spiritual development - daily feeding of our spirits - the two domains here are the Lds bible dot com and Our Faith in Chirst dot com -
A fun area is I am videos dot com - where I use Videos to market education and share the gospel with others!
The domain of List and Leads dot com will deal with email marketing and buying leads for your business - only time will tell where this will go - So what does all of this have to do with Wealthy Affiliates -
In time I'll be marketing it too on all my sites - even if only two or three domains survive over the years -
Two domains or areas will survive because I need them, one on business coaching for small towns or local businesses and one for spiritual feeding of my spirit - as a minister of 40 years its not going away -
The last area that will not go away is social inter reaction with others online - in what ever form it takes - facebook, twitter, Youtube I like better than twitter - we'll see what happens -
The above Photo a while back but one of the few pictures with all three of my daughter in it!
If you get nothing else from this remember its all about the family and individual - nothing else is more important that that for now and for all eternity - think about that - You know its true!
The major goal and focus here is to replace my current income in a year or two and double it in less than 4 years, we'll also see what happens to this goal -
So its onto making money certification - on wealthy affiliates -
Last thought - families are supposed to live beyond this life together - if you believe that - than find out how that is possible - ask me - and I'll be glad to tell you a whole lot more - this is just part of the story!
Text and print does not do this story justice but talking and the spirit will -
Roger L Martin from Billings MT - 11-4-13
Recent Comments
Sounds like you're moving forward nicely with the training. I decided to go back and do the upgraded Level 2 so Level 3 will have to wait a bit longer :( All the best to you.