Best Ten Dollars I've Ever Spent.
Halfway through my 30 Days To Success, I realized I'd made a HUGE error.
Though I've finally mastered looking for the right kinds of keywords, I came up with a clever, cutesy domain name for my site and got next to zero traffic. Why? I came to realize it was because no one was clever enough to come up with my cutesy domain name to use for an Internet search! So though my 30 Days were running out, I decided to buy a more appropriate domain name.
I picked my highest-searched but least-competed with keyword, and forked over a whopping ten dollars in order to be up and running within the hour (I was more interested in saving face than saving money). Then I uploaded the database and WordPress theme I'd saved, did some rewriting, and updated the keywords and links in the articles I'd already submitted. Lastly, I deleted the contents of my cutesy site and left a redirecting index page behind.
The bottom line? My new site has received more unique visits after only four days than my cutesy site received in all of its eleven days. Hey, maybe I'm not going to miss out on those 30 Days To Success after all!
Recent Comments
glad that you realize that at the beginning, otherwise you would need to spend more time to transfer your stuffs.
The important thing is that the name is memorable to the customer, or at least the main keyword elements. I actually use
classicalguitartdh and One site gets over 30% direct traffic which? and why? Another gets nearly all local traffic (which is what I want!) again which and why and one gets 100 times more than the others Why? If you have it figured and can send me the 3rd correct answer there is gold in it for you!
Funny, how that works huh? Well you can always just forward that cutesy domain name to your new site.
Great. I am also in this 30 Day Success Club. I am sure you are not going to miss out on any days in the club. You are doing great.
Excellent post, I wish I hadn't run out of "gold" so that i could reward you.
I like your attitude, never give up even if it may seem that you took a step backwards, you actually took 3 steps forward!
I am still on day 7 of the success club. My ws name is not that great either. I wonder if I should start over too?
Wow. Thanks for that. I've been struggling trying to come up with a domain name for my WA site. I think I'll spend some more time on keyword research!
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Live and learn. You are not the only one to have done that, myself included. Sounds like you righted the ship though. Good luck.