I have accomplished alot!
In the last five to six days I feel that I have accomplished alot with the training provided by the premium membership in WA. I have set up my website. Had it indexed on Google. Webmaster tool is up and xml sitemaps are set. Ive also learned how to generate content and use keywords and relevant keywords there are a few thing or maybe alot more things to refine or learn but overall my experience developing my site has been amazing. I just wanna thank everyone for their support and insight into mywebsite. Thank you!!
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great accomplishments ! You should give yourself a little reward as you go through and progress further as it is a big learning curve and you should be proud of your progress!
I signed up 3 days ago and I feel like I have accomplished a lot too! It seems like they have set up a great system to get people up and running as soon as possible following the right steps. I picked my niche and have a website already. Can't wait to accomplish the rest of my 10 days goals!
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Amazing Work!