Small Steps Lead To Success My 90 Day Challenge
I may have taken on a little more than I had previously anticipated by jumping into building my first membership site. But hey you have to start somewhere and I believe that only through trying new things can we take our life or business to the next level.
But I have thought how I have not been getting the things done here that needs to be done at WA. So I have decided to try and put my experiences down on a daily basis on what obstacles I may be facing along my way why building out my membership site.
What way to better commit to my business than giving back to others by showing them they are not alone that it can be overwhelming at times. But that is when we must fight through the barriers and push forward.
So that being said this is my first day of my "90 Day Challenge" to try to write for these 90 days and create new more productive habits to replace the excuses of why I can not work on my business. So you are welcome to read along as I do so or if you have any questions feel free to ask.
I wish every one of my WA fam here much success and never stop trying because each step of your journey gets you closer to your entrepreneurial dreams that you have envisioned when you first started on this path.
Isaac "RedCloud" Johnson
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