When The Going Gets Tough
Most of us have reached a point where we realize we are part of a community. Sometimes running a business requires a very stern face and attitude. Maybe that's because true focus demands that element-serious tone.
A member of our community shared earlier that she was pulling out for a while and I read her post with tears. The tears didn't come because I'm soft.....noooooo. They flowed because I worked in a similar situation as she did and I walked away. I walked away with help though, because I got support from family and friends. I also got SUPPORT FROM THE COMMUNITY RIGHT HERE. I believe in this system which is why every day I work on ideas how to best promote it. And every one in here does the same.
I know it's not the end. Life has a unique way to fix things in ways we cannot see. But what stood out most in my mind was the fact that most times it's not about SEO, Google Adwords, Monetization, Optimization and all the 'zations' we could think of to make money online. Most people just get turned off because of everyday life situations.
When the going gets tough, I'm glad I can depend on the community here. I want the member to come back. I want her to come back and win. Her story is so inspirational.
When the going gets tough...we all gotta keep on going.
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Hi Ramses,
Hope your friend is OK and comes back to WA soon.
You are so right about the huge benefits the community here can provide. I've only been a member for a short while and already I am overwhelmed by the support and advice that I have been given by others.
I echo your sentiment about when the going gets tough
Best wishes
Thanks John. I mean it. Thank you. Most times that's all that fuels us. Just a shoulder of understanding. I appreciate it very much
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Thanks for sharing ramses.
you're welcome my friend. anytime...