My First Steps in WA


Hello, you all.

I started this WA adventure a little bit under a month ago.

I'm a 55 years old Latin American guy who put his hand for the first time on a computer at the edge of 35 years old, my first language is Spanish, so for me, it has been a real challenge to even dream about having a digital business in English.

I took my first lesson and fault into it right away. During all these days I had followed all the instructions and advice from the classes. I had chosen my nice, which is about Dogs, (I love dogs), I bought my domain, built my website, wrote 5 articles, and got approved by 3 affiliate networks. I'm really excited, about the business aspect of it, and I like the idea of learning new things and acquiring new skills. I'm not really good at interacting with people over a computer online but I will give it a try-hard.

The last couple of days I have been hitting up a big and tall wall. Almost to the point of frustration. Although I have written 5 articles of content, none of them have been indexed by Google, so that stops me from adding promotional links to my website.

It's frustrating me because the only way we can create wealth thru this method; pass-through traffic to your website and if you can't get indexed by Google that won't happen.

I know I will get over it sooner or later, I won't give up. If you have any subjection I'll be happy to hear it.

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You're doing great, friend. Your positive mindset will help you succeed. All the best!

*** Congratulations on your 1st Wealthy Affiliate blog post, Raul!

YOU clicked the 'publish' button -- WAy to Go!

All the very best for a bright, prosperous 2022,

cheerio ... :)) ***

Thank you keishalina.
Yes I did click the publish button, but still no Google indexed yet

you're welcome ... just keep at it ... keep posting original quality content ... you'll get there ...

all the best to YOU ... :))

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