The Magical World of Food Fermentation P.1

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Divergent views make us more thoughtful, not less; and that we cannot disagree intelligently unless we first understand profoundly.

Bret Stephens

Grandma Nia, used to ferment kombucha, pineapple rice Mauby, yogurt, butter, cheese etc. Although I have a few recipes at the end of this piece, you’ll probably curious about the delicious pineapple/rice Mauby from Grandma; she simply took the skin of a pineapple, just the skin, the one we normally discard when peeling a pineapple. Get an organic pineapple wash it well, put 1 cup of rice with three spoon of sugar to boil in 1/2 a gallon of water for about 25 minutes, turn it off until is warm then put the cleansed pineapple skin in an empty one gallon glass jar, strained the rice water in directly into the glass jar, fill the rest of the jar with lukewarm water and leave about an inch or more of space at the top to allow the magic to happen, cover the jar with a thick cloth and put a rubber band around it, set aside for about 3-5 days or a week depending on how tangy you like it, then strain the fermented drink on bottles, leave outside from 1-3 days depending on how tangy you like, then put in the fridge. My Mom used to call it the tropical pear juice, because it had a little similar taste to a slightly tangy pear juice.

Fermentation is part of the biorhythm of life, it makes food much more bioavailable, it adds enzymes and probiotics, it can be said that it is food somewhat predigested, making it very gentle on the stomach, plus the added benefit of an increased level of B vitamins, phytochemicals, that are very easy to assimilate, beneficial microbes and a treasure trove of others compounds yet to discover. Meanwhile according to John Carroll, editor of by 2012 pharmaceutical companies were spending roughly 70 billion a year that’s not including another obscene amount of money spent on marketing to physicians more than 24 billion plus more than 3 billion on advertising to consumers, mainly through television and more than 90 millios in print advertisements among other expenses compiled by Cegedim Strategic Data 2012 U.S. Pharmaceutical company promotion spending report (2013). My question is how much was spent on R&D let’s say of probiotics and prebiotic? The answer is, I don’t know, I can’t find data on it, I know there are studies being done on the human microbiome (the aggregate of microorganisms that resides on or within any of a number of human tissues and fluids), and the microbiome can be influenced by your diet, but It should be obvious that unless a private individual steps on and spent his own money trying to scientifically validate the virtues of unpasteurized fermented food.

Let’s forget about big pharma and big food corporation they are too obtuse and hell bent on making obscene amount of profits, but do not give in into despair, we have the accumulated knowledge from our ancestor trials and errors and the always very reliable feedback given to us by our own bodies every time we eat. I repeat once again, your body will never lie to you, it will always signal what’s going on, but we have become masters at ignoring those signals, it's high time to reclaim the good habit of listening to our body and put that feedback loop to use every time we eat and drink, that’s the best way to learn to discern what’s useful and what’s not, and one sunny day perhaps in decades science will validate us and those who came before us, when all the wonderful benefits of eating properly fermented unpasteurized food and beverages will be scientifically proven.

Fermented foods are and acquire taste for the most part and usually smelly, and so is cheese, which is one of the most liked and consumed foods on earth. I will suggest you educate your taste buds slowly but surely and consistently I vouch that your body will be rewarded with improved health. I know the big food conglomerates and the army of food scientists they employ have completely changed the way we feel and act towards food for the worse, I also have hands on experience and know that with effort and hard work I was able to transition from a very destructive diet of junk food and Mickey mouse food to a real food diet that nourishes my mind body and soul. Your will can be very useful, but don’t believe for second that with sheer willpower you will become the master of your urges, it requires much more than that and more likely than not you will be derailed from your goal on occasions, don’t panic or feel guilty about it, just put yourself back together and get back on track with your plan, in fact consider going of track as research, and make sure to align your heart and mind as much as possible, moreover even the healthiest diet in the world won’t be of much help if you are not able to have peace of mind and make peace with your surroundings, people, life and situations from within as well as from without.

Let's reestablish that line of communication with our bodies in relation to anything and everything we consume, that’s the best way to learn to discern what’s useful and what’s not, and one sunny day perhaps in 100 years science will validate us and those who came before us, when all the wonderful benefits of eating properly fermented, unpasteurized, food is really obvious.

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Very interesting post, Gary! 👍


Frank, I'm glad you find it interesting.

Outstanding story

Gary, happy to hear you liked it. I was just channeling my beloved Granny.

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