Danger Lurking In Your Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwhich.


''Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations.''

Eric Blair

I sincerely do not want to scare you, but make you aware that some molds in your peanut butter could be making you feel unwell

Aflotoxin: is a fungus that normally grows in grains and nuts, it is one of the most powerful biological carcinogens known to Man. Particularly damaging to the liver. The most susceptible crop to aflotoxin is the eternally popular peanut, more so when it’s grown in moist climates.

I don’t want you to stop eating peanuts, unless you are allergic to it, nonetheless I will beg you to stop eating conventional peanuts, stick to organic, I ‘m aware is the most eaten nut in America, in fact it is a legume that’s very rich in protein, fat, niacin, biotin, pantothenic acid, B vitamin, vitamin E, iron, calcium, potassium, tryptophan and boron. As you can see, it’s a powerhouse full of nutrients and I would not like you to miss on it.

Corn, cottonseed, Brazil nut, pecans pistachio, walnuts are also known to be contaminated with aflotoxin, but much less so, other grains and nuts are minimally susceptible to contamination according to literature from the FDA.

In well develop countries, aflotoxin contamination rarely occurs in food at the level that cause acute aflotoxincosis in humans, but I will not put too much faith on the FDA data for a second, they usually say the same thing about the safety of other products and even if that’s the case, peanut is a staple that’s consumed so much in the USA and it is certainly becoming a big problem not only because of aflotoxins, but also you can expect from time to time a recall of peanut butter due to salmonella contamination.

In conclusion don't give your peanut butter and jelly sandwich just be aware that moldy peanut butter is a possible treat. As for me, I love peanut butter, in fact when I was the Holland many years ago I ate almost daily potato fries drenched in peanut sauce. Yummy

To your health,


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