How to survive?

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High Paying Products Online When I started doing online business, Digital products and platforms had been the standard trends nowadays even though they existed a long time ago; not all people know about it. Perhaps they read nor seen it, but their interest doesn't fall for it. When a pandemic strikes the economy and most physical businesses close, they started looking for new options. Here we are; many people in trade saw the alternate way to sell their product without losing so much of their current traditional business.

Like me, I started to put up traditional business physical products with my 5,000 Philippine money at hand; then, I don't have worked.

I am an introverted person. I am timid about introducing my business to my colleagues, family, or friends until I use my social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, and another free platform. Then I never thought that from 100 pcs of Products it becomes 500 until it went through 1000 up products. So if you don't have the money to start with your own business, these are the tips to get started:

1. Be an affiliate - Earn money by promoting products or services to your Facebook

2. Be a Reseller, Business owner tend to ask help for someone to resell the products other's will ask for a membership fee (a small amount so you can be part of their reseller group)

3. Digital products and drop shipping- No need to pay anything; use a free web trial and introduce all the digital products and sell it online, no hassle because drop shipping will do all the works.

I am sharing the three main reasons I am proud of not working from corporate anymore; My time is mine. And honestly, I am still learning.

Never stop learning, and when you know, it requires applying what you have learned. Dreams are not a dream anymore if you turn it into reality.

"Talk the talk and walk the walk."

How to survive?

My colleague once asked this question, and I remember saying, let God do the impossible to be possible for me. Then, if things come my way, I will grab the opportunity, take the risk and be precautious.

Let GOD be the center of all things. I am always grateful that my whole family is healthy. But, I always believe that being wealthy alone with the money or status you have is temporary. We can pursue our dreams if we are in good health at the end of the day. Health is indeed wealth,

Keep working, keep reaching your dreams but never choose it over your health.

So, till now, I am a survivor of this pandemic. I don't worry because everything has its way and purpose.

How about you?

I hope you're doing it well with your business, health, and happiness.

If your looking for an interesting venture, check out this link below:

High Paying Products Online

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