Learning Through Social Media

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I will start by saying I did not have socail media accounts (except a rarely used facebook) or have any interest in them before I began this training, now I have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

I'm learning how to untilise them to promote my business but have also found them as a valuable source of information for the products I am promoting in my affiliate website.

My website is all about puzzles, I do enjoy puzzles but I have to admit I am no 'expert'. I set up my facebook page for my website and joined some groups for people who like puzzles to share my posts in and have unexpectedly discovered these groups to have an abundance of information. I can see trends in puzzle designs that are popular, other peoples real reviews on puzzles they have completed and discover brands and puzzles I had not seen before but are atually very popular.

The only thing I must point out is there is the obvious temptation to scroll through social media for ages and waste time, so I've set myslf a time limit of 10 minutes to quickly scroll and see if I can see anything that is useful to me and avoid anything else!

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Yes social media can be time consuming, thanks for sharing.


Thank you very much for sharing

Thanks for sharing,I myself don't spend to much time on social media.I think 10 minutes is good time to scroll through.

I agree with you. Sometimes instead of posting my own material, I end up reading the stories of others. Keeping some discipline and maintaining your daily posting targets across different platforms is very important! :)

In my case, I prefer to focus on one or two social media platforms. Otherwise I get lost...


I agree, i'm new it all but finding Pinterest and Facebook fit my website best so will concentrate on those

Good idea :)

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