Story So Far

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Hello everyone

My name is Elijah but my friends call me promise that's why I placed promise as my name because we all friends here, I started WA about middle of last month and looking back in time from then to now I have really come a long way with the training and I am done with lesson 2 moving to lesson 3 and I have to say it has been a real blessing to be here, even though I am in the university and it quite hard with the classes and the time most times I don't sleep at night, but if someone should have told me that I will write a very good ABOUT ME page and create a post about dogs and how to care for them I will not believe them but look at me now, the WA has thought me a lot of things from content creation, to keyword, to index and ranking on google and so much more. My mom always tells me that "you will never know how far you have gone until you stop and take a look back see the people you have left behind, life is a series of test and stages when it is time to move forward life will let you know''.

It is a great privilege to be here at the WA and I will do all I can to make it with the help of Kyle and the rest of my friends here at WA and my dog niche it is coming a little slow but I am making progress and I am happy with that creating posts and pages is not easy especially making it line up with your content and keyword I tried this before I entered the WA but now it seems a lot easy with Kyle showing you the way.

With this WA my plans and goals for the next 3 months is making this my first website grow perfectly well and I am making a perfectly consistent good income of 10,000 dollars or more from this site and to be able to start creating multiple streams of income. And my plan and goal for the next 6 months I for me to start living my freedom life and to travel the world and meet Kyle and Carson with the rest of the WA team.this may take some time but as my mom always say before you can run you must first crawl then you stand after that you walk then you can run we were born as little infants but look at us now we are growing both is spirit, body and mind. It may take sometime but we can never remain in the same situation forever. we must always try and overcome our test and move forward.

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Welcome to WA. Yes not sleeping is a common trait when you first start your journey here at WA. It will get better, believe me.
You have good goals, I hope you achieve them.
Good Luck

Thank you

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