I've gone premium!
So, this is a little embarrassing...when you sign up for premium membership you are given the opportunity to blog about it. I signed up yesterday, but when I was going to type my first blog I was prompted to add some tags. Well, I couldn't publish my blog because I didn't know what a tag was. I don't believe in coincidences, I do believe that there is reason and purpose. After my initial disappointment over not being able to blog about my good news, I checked my messages. Vince, who is the one to guide me to WA, sent me a message and he happened to mention a quick tip about using the white bar at the top of the site where I can read: Need help Janet? Ask your question here... . I know this is going to sound dumb, but it was like I was in a dark room and he simply flipped on the switch and I had my "duh" moment! Silly me. Anyhow, my purpose for wanting to blog was aimed primarily at "newbies"...If you feel overwhelmed or unsure, and you think you might need some hand-holding to get through this process of learning the lessons then I strongly suggest that you consider going premium. Just knowing what help was available to me as a premium member has eased my anxieties. Though it's certainly not necessary because WA has a great community from which to elicit help. Still, for me, I felt it was the better choice. Here's to everyone's success...cheers!
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A tag is simply a keyword relative to the post, that's how the search button works here when you search for a relevant answer. The tags help the search pull out relevant searches.
There is a button there that says success, this automatically creates a success tag. Many might see you upgrading & becoming a Premium member as a success, so select that and it will add it as a tag.
Don't worry about being overwhelmed, I was clueless when I started here, just take small steps, it won't bite you :)
Thank you. I did learn about tags using the help bar, but I didn't know about the success tag button. I guess I should count all successes, even the small ones! ;) Thanks again. --J.
You're welcome, glad I could help you out :)