Should I use money as my goal?
Because I'm passionate about the brain and how to maximise it, I made an in-debth study about the brain... not like in a medical way, but in how does our brain work in everyday life. What drives us, what's holding us back? etc. And what makes life so interesting is the fact that we are all different... what drives you, won't necassary move me, and visa versa.
With this short intro... here's the stattement I want to make;-
A wise man once said;- "Money is a means to an end, not the end".
Let me explain - Your so called "end" could be a vacation in the Bahamas, or a mansion to live in, or that Lamborgini you want, nice clothes, or... I hope you are getting it.
Money (Your means) can get you all of this (Your "end's").
You can't build a house with money, reason being it won't look nice and the second reason being... if the wolve comes to blow it.... you get the picture. But you can buy a house with money.
You can't build a car with money, but you can buy that Lamborgini with enough money.
You can't wear money as clothing, but money can buy you the nice clothes you want.
Our brains reacts to emotions, feelings, experiences, etc.
If you can "sell" your brain a fantastic possitive emotion, feeling or experience... it will move you in motion and it will take you through the deepest sea's and over the highest mountains to be able to get that possitive emotion, feeling or experience. So, in simple terms, your brain will move you into motion to get the money necessary to buy this possitive pleasant emotion, feeling or experience.
Please don't understand me wrong, it is very important to set goals in terms of money, but my point is this;- Rather focus on the possitive emotion, feeling or experience that this money can buy you and not only on a set of figures on a piece of paper.
The figures on a piece of paper won't trigger your brain to get you into motion... but the things you can buy to experience the wonerfull and pleasant feelings... boy o boy... that will trigger your brain to launch you into space on auto-pilot.
So, from my experience I learned to rather focus on and visualise the experience that the money can buy you, and not on the money itself.
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I gottaah read this one more time. My braincells have not sunken in the message. I'll get back to you soon!
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i got it enough said.
Now I got to apply what you said. Give me a month to soak
what you said in and I'll see the results of "the message."
Hmmm..... another angle for motivation.
"The figures on a piece of paper won't trigger your brain to get you into motion... but the things you can buy to experience the wonerfull and pleasant feelings... boy o boy... that will trigger your brain to launch you into space on auto-pilot."
Ahhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,ok, Ok, I get it. simple...........i'll work on it Piet.
Hi Frank,
I'm glad you understand and I hope it will help you.
Yes it's working....very therapeutic! hee hee
Thank you! Read your article to my wife and she agreed.
money should be looked at as the means not the end.
Phenomenal my friend.