Sticking up for the smaller kid in class
People who are not in the oppressed groups need to step up for those who are whenever threats arise. Buried prejudice and biases are surprisingly influential underpinnings to all the decisions we make, affecting our feelings and consequently actions. And there are times when not recognizing this influence on your choices and decision making can do more harm than good.I see this in business the most and have even experienced it in WA. We should consider various ways we can gain some insight into our bias. Remember in school how the kid that didn't fit in got picked on and how you wish you stepped in and said something. Maybe you did step in and save them from the bully but its more likely you didn't want to get involved. As adults we have to step in, at work, in business, groups, social media, projects, charity etc. The consequences of not doing so are far more dangerous than they were at school. This video gives a very clear insight into how this feels from the receiving end. Take a moment to watch and gain a life long insight.
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